Distance from TOque Games

I know some people are planning to attend the TOque games from the US and I think I read that there was there is a group traveling from western Canada.

How far are you traveling to attend the TOque Games? Also, please add your miles to the total miles unicyclists are traveling to the Toque Games.

We are driving more then 1200 miles to attend.

Total: 1200 Miles

P.S. I just noticed that this is thread 2700 in the JC.

i’m going to walk over, my Studio is dangerously close.

from my driveway with a good wind and a little luck i could spit and probably hit the west side of the building.

1200 here as well (round trip). We are leaving in a mere 26 hours, and I am very, very excited.

Hope to see you there muniracer!

Total: 2400 Miles + A good spit!

Wow,26 hours.I wish i was going.Its pretty far. :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

But,at least im going to moab.:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

1130 miles from Nova Scotia. Thats one way and I’m flying so I don’t know if it counts. I got tickets cheap on a seat sale. Uniquely Canadian are you still in Cochrane or somewhere else? Is your number both ways? I don’t know where Cochrane is but if thats where you are I hadn’t known Ontario was so big.

Dan Heaton, Mike Clark, and Justin Kohse are driving from Seattle. They left this past weekend and are probably there or close now.

Is that group still travelling from Germany?


1.5 hrs

I am indeed in Cochrane. It’s approximately 1200 miles round trip to TOque. Cochrane is around a nine hours drive north from Toronto. It’s as far north as roads go, to get further the only modes of travel are a plane or train.

Thanks for your interest;
See you at the games!

Total: 3460 miles + A good spit + 1.5 Hours!

Here is Cochrane on a map:


Driving 655 Miles from Maine (one way), Leaving 5am tommrow, stopping at the falls.

This is gonna be sweet, I cant wait!

See you all there.

So far, it looks like we most of us are coming from a good distance!

Total: 4780 miles + A good spit + 1.5 Hours!

taking the trian tonight

about 4hrs train ride from Montreal.

Good enough!:smiley:

As you probably knew, my sig line is written in jest. I can’t say I agree with it either. Are you the guy that smashed up his face on a rock? I guess a full face helmet is the only solution!:wink: :frowning:

By the way, great to hear from another Quebecer, I am from the Laurentians, have you ever been to Lauchute?

See you at TOque!

Total: 4780 miles + A good spit + 1.5 Hours drive + 4 Hours Train

well…yeah…that was the joke…


you do know what this means don’t you?


I take it you live more or less close to ski resorts and I think there’s one of those ski places that have mountain biking in the summer…

Yea, we are about 30 minutes from Mont. Tremblant. I actually unied down it last summer. It was before I was into MUni and I was on a standard uni so I can’t wait to try again this summer with the KH!

We are planning to leave for TOque tomorrow early,
So see you at the games!!!

I just got to Toronto, Cant wait for tommrow.