How would you react if you saw someone wearing this
I had seen that there before - i first opened it and was pumped to buy it until i saw what it actually was…
Bloody idiots:(
If i saw someone wearing that, i’d scratch my head wondering why the thing has 2 wheels for.
I’m a motorcyclist, and I’d think they were a tosser.
What is more difficult to learn: to do a wheelie for 50m on a motorbike or ride a uni for 50m?
The question is: What takes more guts:D
the giraffe
Am I missing something? I would soo buy that shirt If it wasnt in australia…
This is what you’re missing.
No what defines a unicyle??? and wtf
Some good one-wheeled motorcycle riders:
I left in that initial one because it’s cool though not on one wheel.
now, that’s a uniCycle!!!
You realise that is only a concept for now.
Good, cause i want one now.