Have any of you ever mounted disc brakes on a unicycle? if so how well did it work?
Go to www.muniac.com and click on empirical muni. Scott Bridgeman, the guy who runs that site, and who makes the wilder fork and lightfoot hub made a disc brake muni about 3 years ago, but in my opinion, it sucked (not the workmanship, just the fact that it was 17.5 lbs, from what I remember, but it didn’t even have a 3" tire. It also had a square taper hub. The disc brake was cool, though). You could probably e-mail Scott and get some info on making one, if you wanted. Others have thought of this, but it’s too daunting of a task: Custom machined hub, Custom frame, wider cranks (to clear the brake caliper), the list goes on. Too difficult for most mere mortals. I’d say somewhere on par with making Harper’s hub at home.
Gabe Holmic who I have ridden with in a 12hr and 24hr runs a disk brake on his custom muni with a splined setup. It looks very nice. I’ve never actually rideen the uni with the brake mounted though.
Photos of the uni without the brake mounted are in the 12hr/24hr album at www.unicyclist.com/gallery/andrew
I found it in nathat album
thats the description:
Cliff’s Cordy ‘Tank model’ unicycle with disk brake