Hey everyone, for one of my classes I had to create a survey related to some sort of technology. I chose digital cameras and this is where I need your help. I’d greatly appreciate you taking the time to answer the questions. Its short at just 10 multi-choice questions and shouldn’t take long at all. I’ll be sharing the anonymous results after Nov. 4th.
Why checkboxes for level of education? Only one should be needed.
The radio buttons had an active area all the way across the screen, which led to me clicking the wrong buttons a few times when I meant to scroll up or down (probably SurveyMonkey’s fault).
A couple of the questions were hard to answer because there are different kinds of camera out there and many people own more than one. For example, I have a compact camera that fits in a small bag and I bring on the trails and other casual places. I also have a digital SLR that’s big and bulky that doesn’t go to many of those places, but is essential for some of my shooting. When estimating a price, I picked something way overboad for a compact, but middle-of-the-road for a really good SLR.
Thanks for the feedback, thats definitely helpful. Unfortunately since I’ve begun collecting data I can’t go back and change it around but its definitely stuff to consider for the next time.
Thanks everyone! The more of you who take the survey the more interesting the results will be!
Thats perfectly fine, I left enough options in so that it could go either way. I appreciate the help everyone. I have 50 responses so far and I’m sure that’s not the last of them!