Did McCain shoot himself in the foot?

Other political differences aside, can McCain recover from the perception that he’s out of touch with the economy?

Seems to me if there ever was an issue to persude swing voters, it’s our failing economy.

Will Americans vote for someone who thinks our economy is fine?

What’s the context of that statement? Saying “the fundamentals” are strong does not mean the same as saying that the economy is itself strong.

The truth is that what you are suggesting does provide McCain an out. However, if the “fundamentals of our economy” do not not mean the unemployment and inflation rates, home values, foreclosure and bankruptcy rates, and the value of securities, all of which are heading in the wrong direction, McCain needs to be specific about what the “fundamentals” he means are and what is strong about them. Has he?

he might get a little heat from that but not much because its a campaign add there made to make a person look bad McCain probably had more to say about the economy than that but they cut it out to make him look bad too make him seem blinded of the fact that are economy is struggling.
I don’t like McCain but i think he can tell that the economy needs fixing and if he becomes president i think he will fix the economy the best he can.

Good point! What ARE the fundamentals? Maybe agriculture is strong, but I certainly think the financial sector is relevent to what we would call economic fundamentals.

I think the point is that Americans are concerned about our economic future yet McCain is being perceived as not being aware of the magnitude of our current economic issues.

Yes, he clarified this yesterday, but not with any of those topics. According to him, what he really meant by “fundamentals of our economy” were the fundamentals of the American worker/workforce. Wasn’t that obvious the first time? :roll_eyes:

I understood “fundamentals” as the underlying principles (whether explicit or not) that guide our economy. So, I thought he was saying that he trusts that the economy would recover on its own.

But I could be wrong. And, even if that’s what he’s saying, it still at least sounds like he’s sidestepping the real economic issues.

I wish the government would just let it recover on it own. Like the Great Depression, it appears that the government is going to drag their feet and prolong it by bailing out their corporate pals sticking the taxpayers with the bill and the citizens with inflation. They will impose regulations that hinder the market corrections.

If they just let the correction happen, it’d be over with in a short time, but they want to make lots of mistakes similar to the mistakes they made that caused this mess to begin with. It’s not going to be pretty and it don’t matter if it’s Obama or McCain that is elected (which is why you should vote on principle and vote 3rd party).

I think he misspoke. Did you hear that stutter?

He meant the fundamentalists will remain strong within our economy. The god industry is recession-proof… no matter how poor people are, they’ll still give to the church.

Yeah, that’s it.

Me too! He’s been hanging out with that anti-choice VP from Alaska too long.

Of course, it doesn’t really matter what he meant, because the american voters feel they can’t understand anyway, and they don’t really follow the issues

Wait a minute! There are issues to follow?

When the government issues, people follow like seagulls converging at Ivar’s for the lunchtime french-fry frenzy.

No, it was Cheney.

You dont mean john mclain? I dont recall him ever shooting himself in the foot but in Die hard 4 he shot through his own sholder to kill the guy behind him. :smiley:

On topic, I think McCain could lose this election based on perpection that he’s out of touch w/economic worries. Between his older statements about knowing little about the economy, to the press whooping when he didn’t know how many houses he owned (the answer is seven), to this latest “economy is strong” flap, Obama could run ads like, well, this, for example.

[OT]Y’know, I grew up on Bugs Bunny characters, and always had a soft spot for Elmer Fudd. But I’ll never purge that horrible morphed image from my mind.[/OT]

Can McCain recover at all??