Did I do it right?

hey, i tried to make a unicycle from an old bike of mine, not sure if i did it right though! here’s a pic, plz tell me what you think!

This seat looks like it could cause a lot of pain :smiley:

But it looks like a unicycle … I saw the photo first and thought you inherited a unicycle :smiley:

yes you did but i would inherit a new seat

Fugly but functional.

Good job.

i want to build one now

ya u shud! u’d really enjoy it + it’s fun :slight_smile:

what kind of bike did you use and how long did it take

thnx every1 :slight_smile: man i need a new seat!

does it ride good?

Ha! Well done! It looks ugly, but im sure its a great ride. Plus you now have the pride of knowing you built it when people bash it.

There is no “right” or “wrong” way to custom build a unicycle. As long as the wheel turns, and it doesn’t coast, it should work.

it’s not the nicest looking thing, but it should work just fine! :smiley:

As long as it still has 1 wheel and you enjoy riding it. Its a unicycle. :smiley:

Those cranks look loooong! What do they measure?

this is the bicycle that i destroyed completely

it took abt 2 weeks because i didn’t have the weld machine and other stuffs.

this is my first time riding on an unicycle, i can hardly balance :frowning:

that’s so great, a diy unicycle , i love it… a wonder guy