Has anyone ever riddin a dicycle…?
Has anyone ever riddin a dicycle…?
Nope. No one ever has, not even this guy.
Seriously though, I don’t know of anyone here who has ridden one. I mean, why would you, when you could ride a unicycle?
I have. Here’s a picture of Bradley Bradley on one:
Yes, that’s a dicycle too. It had independently-rotating wheels and was made from basic 70’s unicycle parts. The problem with that one was the pedals would always work themselves down to the bottom.
Later, Al Hemminger had Tom Miller make him one with a complete axle, with a removeable pin. He had lots of fun riding it around, then when people asked to try it, he would casually pull the pin out of the axle and give them one with independently-rotating wheels. It was still quite rideable this way, but again you’d usually end up doing a both-footed one-foot idle (kangaroo idle).
Tom Miller also made a batch of simpler ones, with solid axles. One of these was pictured on the cover of On One Wheel in 1983 with Ken Krakat bounce-juggling seven balls while riding it.
A dicycle could be a good training tool for learning to ride a regular unicycle. It affords the learner a chance to get comfortable with the forward-backward balance of unicycling before they have to deal with the steering and side-to-side aspect. It’s very easy to just sit still on one, even if you can’t ride a unicycle at all.