Just wondering if anybody plays Diablo 2 LoD? its a pretty old game but its kinda fun.
Just wondering if anybody plays Diablo 2 LoD? its a pretty old game but its kinda fun.
I may some time.
I used to play but I lost the cd The necromancer is the best,
mo way, druid kicks ass when you skill up the elemental skills. ill have to try a nec some time, still havent got round to it.
I guess you play Europe gateway, eh? My name is da_ganksta on US east(theobieone got hacked). You can add me to your messenger programs if you want and we can play some time.
yeah i play in the europe gateway, i dont think its possibal for me to play in anything but that, ill give it a try anyway.
what chars do you have?
You can play in any gateway.
I haven’t played in months, but I checked recently and I still had 1 mule and 2 regular characters. The rest were deleted. The two that remain are a lv 79 MF Sorc and a lv 78 Paladin.
whats a mule?
A character that you never use for questing. You just keep it around and fill it’s inventory with items you want to keep but don’t want your main characters to hold for space considerations.
ahhh, very clever i wish i knew that before, do you have any good items? e.g. SOJ, enigma?
i play the first one sometimes but never got around to owning the second
I got some stuff…Like I said though, I had an account hacked and this one lost 5 chars, so I lost a ton. Oh wells.
Drew, I also play Starcraft and Warcraft 3 sometimes, do you have those?