I’ve started using Deviant Art lately, to upload some phootoshop stuff I’ve done on my own and in class. But mostly I like using it to get new ideas and learn new techniques.
Anyway, post your DA account!
I’ve started using Deviant Art lately, to upload some phootoshop stuff I’ve done on my own and in class. But mostly I like using it to get new ideas and learn new techniques.
Anyway, post your DA account!
Mine is in my sig. I’ve been there for over 2 years. I also created a dA group for unicyclists. Here’s both profiles:
Send a comment or note my way if you want to join the group.
Sweet, yeah sure I’ll join the group.
Nothing even remotely unicycle related on there (yet). And I’d like to join the group.
Welcome, and thank you for joining!
I had a DA accout a while back, only for some photography stuff… I forgot my username… Oh welll… Good work guys!