
What makes us keep trying so hard to land that perfect trick or to accomplish something that makes you feel so great while you suffer through the whole journey? Just wanted to here some stories or thoughts on the topic.

The great feeling that you get at the end of it. Feelings of pleasure and accomplishment. I would suggest that unicyclists are the type of people who can put off immediate gratification for the long game.

Pleasure and accomplishment are feelings that keep us mentally healthy.

It also seems to be human nature to make ourselves goals to work towards. Gives life meaning somehow.


I think the reason no one has replied after Cathy is because her answer was perfect. Nice description and well put. Bravo


it feels goood.

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

What doesn’t kill you postpones the inevitible.

cuz im not good at anything else, so its good to excel at whhat i love. so i keep tryin’.

good explinations… no stories though? no one tried so hard for that oh so perfect trick and nailed it and felt so much better about being you?

well…not unicycling related, but it pretty much relates to this topic.
almost any XC or track race I’ve ever run in. it hurts real bad while running the race, but thats good, its supposed to hurt. after the race is over, all that pain I put myself through, I feel sooo good!! even better if I PRed. but if I don’t push myself, I just say, whatever, I don’t care about this race…then afterwards I feel really really bad, knowing that I could have done so much better.
pain > pleasure