Detailed Political Test

Take the test and post what you get.

Here’s mine:

An analysis of the graph and what other people have scored:


Economic Left/Right: -5.38
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -7.23

I didn’t exactly understand some of the questions though. I understood most.

Edit: we got almost the exact same results! (never thought this would happen)


We took one of these tests in civics class, it was funny. I know for a fact that i scored like left feild all the way lol.

That “test” is a total joke! The way it’s worded is completely slanted HARD radical left.

Those questions are horrible. For example: “controlling inflation is more important than controlling unemployment.”

There is no option to select that no controlling of these should be done.

However, if I interpreted the graph right, I’m in the correct quadrant.



i wont argue with you politically, since i know you’ll lay my ass out on the american flag if i try.

Err, why not?


Here’s a previous thread that has some Political Compass results and discussion.

Here’s a graph with the 2008 Presidential primary candidates:

Those of you getting results getting results in the left quadrants are likely taking the test with the wrong assumptions. Think on a global scale and not a U.S. political centric scale. Remember that people from Sweden and France can also take the test and your results need to jibe with their political positions as well.

Look at where all the primary candidates are clustered. On a global scale there is not much difference between the Democrats and Republicans. Ralph Nader and Dennis Kucinich being the outliers with the more “extreme” views.


I took this one a while back and came oue hard core libertarian. Looks like most of you are with me on the south side of the graph.

I don’t think I did very well on this test… the questions are too vague! I need a ‘neutral’ or a ‘case by case’ option.

Anyway, I got:
Economic Left/Right: 2.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.51

Which may not be very accurate… Though I think I took this test about 3 or 4 years ago and got something way to the left, so I improved a little in that respect (heheh). I think I’m a little more authoritarian than it says I am, too. I thought I was more in the middle.


I was expecting something a little more to the right but I guess this is fairly accurate.

I thought I was the most extreme liberal on this forum lol, it turns out I have equals.

i had to go over and let my animal liberalist vegitarian self take over for this. … gosh its not loading

danget come on…

okay here we go…

Left/Right: -4.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.08

Eh. I don’t think I’m truly as far left as this test puts me. Some questions were frustrating to answer, since, like others have said, I couldn’t express how I really stood on the issue. Correct quadrant though, I suppose.

Took it a second time, this time changing a few of my “questionable” responses of “agree” to “disagree” or vice versa, only on the questions where I really had trouble picking one. The result was:

Left/Right: -0.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.59

Economic Left/Right: -6.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -8.21

I couldn’t load that graph thingy… heh

Det riot was pretty close to Ghandi!

mine was virtually identical to this one

DAMN!!! :astonished: