so my friend has had a sun 20" uni forever, well he finally ordered a qu-ax for his birthday, so we decided to destroy the sun in the most illegal (and fun) way possible; by dropping it off a 2 story building. enjoy:
That was really dumb. U could have donated it to some unicycle club or just kept it and lend it out to learners. That is unicruelty.
it already had a bent rim and crank, it was beyond dead.
You should have done like, multiple 3 foot drops to flat on it. That would have been way better.
Still funny though I guess…
…and the bearings were rusted. and like the seat cover thingy was torn and the seat post was bent a little. (It was my uni)
Nice giraffe mount.
The unicycle could still do with some more destruction though. Running over it with a big car (SUV) would be good.
I haven’t destructively destroyed any of my unicycles. I did dismantle my old Schwinn (the one I learned on) and send the pieces to the recycling center. It was in sad shape. Old cottered hub, loose cranks, worthless S7 wheel, old bearings, and much more. Could have smashed it up but chose to dismantle and recycle instead.
Recycle, eh?
you guys coulda done alot of other cool stuff to break the uni you didnt even break the frame
And people say the sun unis sucked. Those cranks where still in good condition. =p
Plus, mine handles me doing 5 foot drops on them.
I think you shoul catch it on fire then trow it off the building again, then just smash it to peices.
hehe awsomeness:D I would of made a pipe bomb out of the frame though.
man it didnt look that broken… i mean if ur gonna do it, do it abit better, you should have broken the frame i agree. But givign it on would have been even better…
all these ideas make me want to do a sequel, we’ll see…
Chants sequel!
I would do it! And just totally demolish the uni. Make it so when your done, the frame is snapped, spokes are dangling, the rim is tacoed or in a few pieces, cranks are twisted into spokes, pedals not even on the cranks anymore, just the spindle.
Go crazy! =p
strap a whole bunch of firecrackers or bigger to it and have it made so there’s one main fuse and then light it and run.
Oh you have to use my idea in your sequel:D Then if it’s still in deccent shape try and ride it! You should of done that in your vid. Man riding a tacoed wheel would be so hard.
drag it behind the car on the way!!
tbh it looks like you could use it again with some hammering.
find some local road works and ask em nicely to run it over with a steam roller
So far, nothing tops the destruction of the cheap-o, tricycle-technology unicycle by Dan Heaton’s brother in Universe 1. When first screened, many audience members seemed taken aback. This may have been because they didn’t recognize the unicycle, or hadn’t had any experience with such crap unicycles. I learned on one. Even new, straight home from the department store, those things were evil, doing damage to the sport of unicycling every time somebody tried to ride one. Destroying that unicycle was a mercy killing, and a reason for fellow unicyclists to rejoice!
Hope you guys had fun destroying the old Sun, but as far as the video, we could have done without the gas station stop and the pitch black section.
This gives me an idea David Letterman used to drop things off tall buildings, or run them over with steam rollers. More recently they do a bit on the show called “will it float.” It would be fun to fool most of the audience by floating a fat-tired MUni on there.
It bounced!
I was thinking about this the other day and wondered if it was possible to drop it, so that it would land on the tire and bounce heaps.
I rekon there is a fair chance that the tyre will pop though. I really don’t know though, someone should really test that out!