Definition of clown

From the comments I’ve seen on other threads, I’m curious as to other unicyclist’s definition of a clown. My definition is pretty liberal. I’d say that if someone makes others laugh through the entertainer’s antics, they can be considered a clown. Thus, Robin Williams and Victor Borge are both clowns in my book. A unicyclist riding in funny ways in a parade is a clown. A unicyclist in a skate park or riding on a trail is not. Insane Clown Posse are not clowns. The guy on the street corner dressed up in a clown outfit trying to get you to some sale is not a clown.
These are my thoughts. What are yours?

I don’t think a clown is just someone who makes others laugh like that. For example, a comedian would not be a clown. A comedian could be a clown, though, if they do tricks and stunts like juggling and unicycling and chucking pies at each others face.
Here’s Merriam Webster’s definition of clown:
A fool, jester, or comedian in an entertainment (as a play); specifically : a grotesquely dressed comedy performer in a circus b : a person who habitually plays the buffoon. c : JOKER
Um, I guess that works…

I wouldn’t call most comedians clowns because I don’t find them funny. :smiley: No, actually, in my nebulous definition, the entertainer has to use physical comedy somehow, but not necessarily if I feel like making an exception. Magicians are one of those borderline groups that sometimes do fit in the classification, but not necessarily.

Don’t confuse engaging in clowning and being a clown. It is easy to do some clowning but not so to be a clown.

Because I am able to remove a splinter from my daughter’s finger using a hospital approved tweezer sterilized according to the latest medical guidelines, does that make me a doctor?

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

I definitely don’t think of magicians as clowns. That could be because I’m a magician, but still. We try to make people believe the unbelievable, not just to make them laugh (but then, you’d be surprised how often spectators laugh hysterically when the two queens in their hand turn into aces before their eyes)

I bet that these people know the correct definition of clown.

I would say that most magicians are not clowns, but I was thinking specifically of Penn and Teller, who to me are textbook clowns. I would have mentioned that earlier, but I got distracted. There are magicians that do clowning, clowns that unicycle, clowns that do magic, balloon twisters who do not consider themselves clowns and others that do, jugglers in all categories, and other entertainers which do all of these things, depending on the situation. I call entertainers who use physical comedy clowns. This isn’t a hard and fast rule, but this is my definition du jour.

Re: Definition of clown

If “liberal” is defined as meaning “incorrect”, then you’re spot on. :smiley: Robin Williams is a comedian or comic. The late Victor Borge was a musician and comedian. The I Hate Clowns folks are at least on the right track, definition-wise, since their venom is reserved for the Costumed Ones, occupiers of tiny cars, etc.

For the “What is a clown?” topic, try here:

For further definition on clown types, try here:

With that in mind, you will note that at least temporarily, Robin Williams did meet the definition/criteria. In “Patch Adams” he played a character clown, i.e. a clown in the persona of a doctor. Or was it a doctor in the persona of a clown?

Re: Re: Definition of clown

or does the fact that he didn’t donate a single cent of the money he earned from that movie to patch adam’s foundation put him in a completely different category?

Re: Re: Re: Definition of clown

I had the great fortune to work with Patch Adams this summer at Camp Winnarianbow. Patch is a Dr first and a clown second. He believes that if you can bring a little joy and love into someones life when they need it the most than you can make a major difference in their life for the better. His work in war torn nations and orfanages (sp) arround the world is truely remarkable. He is probably the most loving and caring person I have ever meet and will listen to a complete stranger for hours if it can help them at all. Patch should get a whole nother catagory if you ask me, he’s much more than any clown.

I think that his movie is one of the great downfalls of corperate america, taking a great story, making a buck off of it and forgetting about the whole meaning behind the story.


Occasionally so-so threads become great. Thanks Checkernuts for sharing that…

I would have to add to this the following:

Nor are they ‘technically’ magicians.

Fooling someone into believing you performed magic is not magic.

Clown is someone who has a red nose, baggy clothes, shoes that don’t fit and does funny things. Sometimes in parks. But I don’t mean these funny guys who sleep on park benches and drink a lot.

Which is why I don’t fool people into believing in magic. I do real magic.
At least, that’s what I believe myself. And let me tell you, if you believe it, the spectators will completely believe 100% that it’s completely real.
But this is getting somewhat off topic of the clown thing.

No! Not off topic! We can’t do that when the original topic is so important!
No one has contested the idea that someone riding a unicycle in funny ways in a parade, but not wearing a red nose, is still a clown, or still clowning. I’m surprised that no one got offended by that.

No one is offended, I think, because most people recognize that “clowning” is different that being a “clown” and that “clowning” is a regular part of any sane person’s day.

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

I’m going to have to agree with CClown here.


The way I see the word clown is too vague. Even the real clowns I’ve meet hate being called a clown when it implies the bad party clown that is stereotyped so frequentlly.

Clowning is a theatrical art, and it takes a years of training to do it well. These are the clowns that are my friends and that I respect. I have even taken slapstick and Mime classes from these people.

The Clown that I hate is the “the party clown” these are the people that dress up in rediculous horrible costumes with rainbow wigs and bad face paint. Usually these people are not trained in clowning at all, but simply do a few gag’s and run arround being stupid.


“One skilled in the circus arts with excellent balance and a extra mature cheesy grin”

Grrrrrrr nasty people :angry:

Yeah, I agree. These people are afraid of those clowns Checkernuts was talking about, the ‘party clowns’.
But I still think they just pretend to be afraid of clowns for attention.