You are the fanatic Billy, Chill a bit and eat an oily fish
I am an expert at lifting weight and putting on muscle. I am also an expert at sloth over the summer, and losing muscle. I have a notebook that goes back 11 years, so I know what I did and how well it worked. I have been going up and down in strength a decade or so with records.
Everything you generally see, read in magazines, or watch on TV about growing muscle, is oriented to selling you crap, supplements, or gym memberships. Avoid these bogus professional advises.
What you are doing fanatically wrong Billy, is the everyday thing. Because you can do 3-4 pull ups now, try this …
Do one pull up. Wait 10-30 minutes. Then kill yourself, to do as many pull ups as you can in one set (not letting go of the bar).
Here comes the critical part. Abandon all fanaticism, do not do pull ups again until you repeat this in 3-5 days. You are really screwing up with the every day thing. It takes 3-5 days for the growth (caused by the exercise stimulus), to finish.
It is OK to lift each day, just not the same muscle group. Not only will it be a lot less work doing your pull ups every 4 days rather then every day, you will get better results. Don’t make the fanatics mistake of cutting short the growth period.
I think we all could agree that as long as we are having fun riding, pushing it helps. The rider who rides 4 hours/day, as long as they are having fun, might learn twice as fast as a rider who rides 2 hrs/day. They might, because the benefit of riding is largely mental. The body part of uni riding uses mostly the type 1 endurance fibers, and the progresses with lots of practice are almost all in the brain.
Weight lifting is not like that at all. It is about over stressing the type 2 muscle fibers, which tears them slightly, then the body rebuilds them stronger. This process takes 3-5 days. Don’t forget to eat an oily fish, I suggest salmon.
Every fanatical lifter needs to eat some magical thing to help their muscles grow. For me it’s cheap canned salmon. I suggest picking a useful and homemade snoil for yourself. Don’t let other people sell you expensive bullshit, always make your own snoil.