I reeeaally wanna watch defect, but I dont wanna pay $20 to watch it maybe a few times… Is there any way to watch it online somewhere? Or some place to buy it cheap?
There is one (or there was one, dont know if it is still online)… but i dont think someone would tell you here.
Just buy it. Its worth the money.
If you download it, we’ll probably hate you forever
is inner ballence better?
You really can’t compare the two movies, they are completely different styles.
They are both good but if all you care about is street and trials you will end up enjoying Defect more.
Meanwhile, somewhere in Washington, someone is thinking “I’d like to make the next coolest unicycle DVD, but I don’t have any budget, plus I like to get something in return for the zillion of hours investment.”
Both Defect and Innerbalance are worth the money.
And I bet you want to watch it more than once.
i think i speak for most people here when i say this. I respect what Dan Heaton has done for the sport, and all the time he puts into his riding and his filming to give you his hard work for free.
I can guarantee You’ll watch it more than a few times if you buy it.
Ok, well mabe a few times… a day
Ya, I guess you guys are right…
Ill probably buy it soon
How long is the video?
There aren’t that many uni vids even out on the market. How can you not justify spending the $20. I could understand if it was just another old skate vid that might suck anyways, but this is a pretty rare sport to be pinching pennies.
You could buy it for $20 and charge 5 of your friends to come over and watch it…there you go, problem solved. Who ever said there’s no such thing as a free lunch?
Defect is 39minutes and 53seconds long.
If I had to pay $1 for every time I watched Defect, then buying that DVD so I could watch it anytime I wanted for free instead would definitily be a very sound investment.
If you know what I mean…
SOrry, everyone… I probably sound like a really cheap person right now… Its just that In the last like 3 months, I’ve bought 2 new unicycles, 661 leg armor, And some unicycle parts… And I dont have a job or anything, so Im low on money
Ill probably wait a few weeks and buy it
just ask for it for christmas or something, I’m asking for it as an early birthday present so I can have it by the end of the week for my display at the club fair at my school…
NKahler: you can’t have everything, all at once, can you?
The whole thing used to be on Google Video…Not any more though…Just buy it, its definatly worth the money
you can get it on www.video.google.com its cool
No, that’s not cool.
Its still on there, the full 40min dvd rip is on google, and the 3 hidden sections are uploaded too.
I could download the whole thing with realplayer if I want, but I wont. =p