
just got defect in the mail today along with a nice brand new uni shirt… although its a bit too big for me… my girl can alter it… anyway the dvd is amazing!!! 10xbetter then universe II… anyone know what the heck those “bikes” are at the very end during the credits…??? i want one!!! also anyone know about the easter eggs???

one was a monycycle the one where the guy sat inside the wheel (motorized and the 2 wheels next to each other is called a recumbent cycle or some thing.


the easter eggs are hidden a lot better in defect than in universe II…just look around all the menus on the dvd, and click in different directions until it appears that nothing is highlighted, and click select…

yes it’s a realy nice movie but i think it’s so expensive for its stage !! :astonished:
and after the movie ,lots of peoples pratice BCWHEEL in france:D

where are teh easter eggs in universe II??

theres just one in Universe II, in Dan Heaton’s profile…

you can find the special features alot easier if you just pop em into your computer or an xbox with xbox media center.

mono = 2 wheels? This is why latin shold be compulsary in schools.

The single wheel which runs with the rider inside it it (motor powered in this case) is known an a monowheel or monocycle, the two wheeled pedal powered contraption with the rider hanging betwen the wheels is a diwheel (motorised versions also exist.) This: is the daddy of all monowheel and diwheel sites, check it out.

Latin should not be compulasry in schools. People should just know common prefixes, an entire course on a dead language is not neccesary.

I was joking, i did latin for a mere two years (the least i could do at my school) and remember little of it, but still knowing a little french, german and latin does help with correct use of English.

The girl doing freestyle was amazing, one of the best iv seen.

That was my favourite part.


Plus, she was a cute asian girl. What’s not to like?

A little off subject, but are the easter eggs in all the dvds? 'Cause I’ve been looking for a couple of weeks and still can’t find anything. I just got a copy for christmas.

Yours must be a defect then.

Buh - Bam !


got defect through the mail today and got my housemates to watch it.
it rocks!


Latin SHOULD be compulsory… that way we’d know what it says on the Defect cover :stuck_out_tongue:

And Latin, surprisingly, isn’t entirely dead… you can read the news in it daily:

And anyone who’s ever read The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco gets stuck with passages of Latin all over the place (Slight gripe, read it for my Crime Fiction class ;))

just saw defect. it is awesome.

I think the Koxx Roadtrip Freestyle version is even better.