Hi everybody,
You can see the official trailer of Defect on my website :
www.xaviercollos.com => French => " Galerie " => " Vidéos "
Hi everybody,
You can see the official trailer of Defect on my website :
www.xaviercollos.com => French => " Galerie " => " Vidéos "
Hot diggity, Merci bien!
Roll on October 16th…Conveniently close to my birthday!
That, as I expected, is some phenomenal riding…Can’t wait to see the finished product!
merci très bien, monsieur xavier!
je veux achete un ou deux de cet film!
Cool! Thats great. Off O go to watch it!
is it differant than the one a few of us saw months ago?
I cant get the QT document to work with my computer…
Its slightly different. Better edited and some new moves.
Oh I know who you are. I totaly rip off your moves.
Hey, just wondering… since there has been so much talk about the first person sponsered by syko… and you have the syko logo on your webpage along with all your other sponsers… are you the first rider to be sponsered by syko (xav)?
Can everyone else make it work? I cant open that QT file… I have quick time…
If it doesn’t work, try updating your quicktime to version 7. www.apple.com/quicktime
All info on the video and pre-orders will be available tonight.
Woooooohooooo! I’ve been waiting to hear those words for a month now. Thanks!
Thanks. I’ll try that.
Looks like its time for Dan to get a new avatar!
Worked for me… MPlayer under Linux has had QT 7 support longer than Winblows
AWESOME TRAILER!!! And the day after my bday it comes out… NICE!
cant wait to get paid to buy this movie and my qu-ax gets here the day befour it comes out
It works for me in Quick Time 6.5.2.
totaly syko
The same four words came out of my mouth when I saw this trailer, as when I saw the U2 trailer:
It’s this kind of footage that reminds me how unbelievably awesome unicycling is and motivates me to work harder on my skills.
To all you riders who film and post… YOU RAWK!
DUDE, that’s so freaking sweet!! can’t wait to get it!
I doubt it, seeing as Xavier’s already sponsored by Koxx.