If Bush looks at his watch (like is Dad did), it’s curtains for him.
My prediction?
Bush will stumble through the whole thing, speak in generalities that reflect his black and white world view. Kerry will get too wordy. The news media will do the same thing they did four years ago, spin and declare that Bush “won” the debate, for no reason at all except that all expectations were low and thus by treading water, Jr. wins.
They have it down to a science…
PS–Rapheal, hope you knee is better!
Kerry will bore everyone to tears, and will contradict himself continually. That is only because he is a deep thinker and sees many sides to every issue. Oh yea, he will also remind us that he served in Viet Nam.
Bush will tell everyone what he believes, and you will understand exactly what that is.
If the candidates were asked spontaneous questions, I think Bush would stumble and stutter and come off looking like the sort of person who can’t quite form total, coherent thoughts (hmmmm). But, the 40 pages of debate rules state that all questions for the candidates must be submitted, in writing prior to the debate and the questions will be selected by a panel. ANY deviation in the exact wording of the written question and the debate mediators have the power to void the question and move on. This will allow the candidates to have their very canned answers ready to launch without really having to do any creative thinking. This format IMHO makes the debates as worthless as unicycle without a wheel. We’ll learn nothing about the candidates ability to make any decisions, speak coherently or react to an unexpected situation. How the media spins it will depend on whether you’re watchin FOX or CBS.