my ipod mini had died… a little sad ipod appeared on the screen and looking at and all other sites this means its dead and phoned apple and my one year warrently ran out last week which sucks so it will now cost me £169 to repair which is more than it cost me to buy it in the first place so i guess i’ll just have to save up for a new one…poor ipod
I am most sorry to hear this… I can feel some of your pain coz ive lost my jolly mp3 at school somewhere, so i’m now temporarily music-less - until i can afford to buy a new one!
NO…Poor you, thats exactly what they want you to do…go out and buy another one…
that one’s battery will die in a years time as well,bump this thread in year for comfirmation.
poor little ipod
dude get an ipod nano coz i’m pretty sure that they dont make ipod mini anymore
yeah, no more ipod mini (well maybe on ebay) but maybe apple’s gonna start making 8gig nanos soon…I hope…
SanDisk makes an 8GB flash player, and it’s expandable to 10GB by adding up to a 2GB MicroSD card. And the battery is user replaceable without voiding the warranty.
Im sorry to hear about your loss!
Don’t get an ipod! Their rubbish! One jog and the disk gets scratched, and the battery doesn’t hold any charge after a few months! My mate has had three and they have all gone the way of the dodo!
Get something decent like this or something cheap that you can replace easily. There are tons of dirt cheap mp3 players out there!
Rock on! (Hopefully you will be soon!)
Since the warranty is already out of date, is there any way that you could try changing the battery yourself?
the sad face means that the hard drive’s gone bad, not the battery.
thank you Steve Jobs.