"Death Grip" CF handle repair

Had this CF handle for many years and with so much hard use it started to crack at sides where the material is thinnest, and upward pull force is greatest. This caused the handle to start breaking away from the bolted on section, causing excessive flex. Never worked with fiberglass before but it seems to have worked out well.

After soaking the cloth until transparent, The cracked sections were wrapped with two layers, letting each cure before adding the second. It was tricky because the fiberglass cloth frays very easily and getting it to lay down is also hard because the epoxy is quite thin, and there wasn’t any thickening agent handy.

They say that sawdust, cooking flour or even talc can be used, but didn’t want to take a chance of compromising the strength. West systems marine epoxy was used and it seems to have worked great, and the handle now feels solid and secure. I decided to try this repair since Scott Wallis is not currently making these.

Dry fit check:

Fully cured double layer, ready for sanding and painting.

West Systems epoxy (I use this for piano bridge repairs)

Good job! I wish I had a SW handle to go with my base. I hear they’re very comfy. Was the CF cracking where it would it the ground during a UPD?

No the cracks were at the sides on the inside and outside of the rounded channel where it fits onto the front of the saddle. The line indicates about where the crack was, which was all the way through. It was about the same on the other side.
