Dear Future Me

Yesterday, while surfing the internet, I found this site: Future me

It basically saves the email you write and sends it to you on the date you chose. I wrote myself an email on year 2025. I hope emails will still be there and the page still exists.

So, write yourself something about the present you, and some speculations of what do you think, you will be like. It might be fun reading it in a few years

What a Kool Idea :smiley:

I hope i’ll still have all the photos, music, and everything I have on my computer now, cos there’s some good stuff I’ll be able to look back on.

Edit: or of course, you could just write a diary :astonished:

Hey, me too! Told me all about myself… I expect it to be a fun read for me. I’ll get it on the 7th of October 2018.

Dang, it has to be at least 90 days from now. I wanted one to get to me next week.

It’s better to send it so far, that you forget about it. But you must not forget about not changing your email address.

Wonder if it will work?? :thinking:

Cause mine will be given to me in August 2019. :astonished:


Dear FutureMe,

If your not unicycling anymore, you had better start again or else I'll give you a very mean stare!!!!! Btw you tried skydiving yet?

I remember doing this thirty years ago.
Last week my message arrived at the door.
I impatiently tore open the parcel to find a betamax videotape.

whats that?

How did you do that 30 years ago? Or are you hinting that the internet probably won’t exist anymore?

it’ll be on chips in your head

That comment is further evidence of our RSU/JC generation gap.

i know what a regular tape that plays in a VCR is, so does that mean Betamax is just a brand?

I don’t want to drag this thread way off topic. Do you not have Google in Detroit? Betamax and VHS were introduced in the '70s. Betamax was thought to be better technology but VHS won out as the predominant video player format. The same thing may go down between HD DVD and Blue Ray today.

Back to your regular scheduled thread. Sorry for the thread jack Triball.

i wikied it but was kinda confused still. thanks for trying to bridge the generation gap!!!

Betamax was a different platform. Or something like that. I don’t know, I was just a kid.

I write notes to future me all the time. Otherwise, I would never remember to do anything. When present me becomes future me, thereby changing present me to past me, I always thank past me out loud for being so thoughtful.

I trust you have (all) read this.

If you haven’t, do.

It is one of two books on which I will stake my ‘book-recommending’ cred.

I have that on the bookshelf, I also have a 14 hour flight comming up. Might read it then.

Where you off to??

Thailand yo