Last nite, I went out for a ride in the trails near the local ski hill. It was getting dark, and my vision was gettin quite limitted. So, I walked the last ten minutes or so. As I walked, I saw something fairly large fly over head. It landed in a tree just above me, and looked down at me. It was an owl, the first I’ve ever seen in my life. Then, another one flew in, and perched beside the other. They were huge, with great big yellowish eyes. They kept looking at me, and I gotta say, it was sorta freaky. After observing them awhile, I began walking again. A few metres up the trail, I decided to look back, and these giant birds were flying straight for me, at my head level. I stood there, almost in shock. When they got to be about 20 feet away, and still were not turning away from me, I yelled loudly. They flew straight up into some trees ahead. Well, they did this 3 times, coming closer each time (the last time, I’d say they were maybe 10-15 feet from me). I tell you, it was pretty scary. They are big, and there wing span must have been 5-6 feet across. I don’t really think they were going to do anything to me, it still freaked me out something fierce.
Anyone else have some owl stories, or other wild life encounters?
That film actually scared the crap out of me. Just the thought of birds attacking us like that… what the heck would we be able to do about it? Creepy for sure.
wow thats really strange! one time at my old house (in the middle of the woods) my parents woke me up one weekend and rushed me outside. literally 5-10,000 crows were flocking into our 2 acre yard, filling every brach of every (60 ft tall) tree in our yard! it was amazing! then about 2 hours later they just up and left!
My friends has a farm and one time we went into the barn at night to have a smoke and there was this white face just staring at us…then it let out this awful screech that sounded like a woman screaming and flew straight at us. Im pretty sure i had to change my undies after that one. It turned out to be a common barn owl, but it was still scary as sh*t.
Woah, I live in the woods and I see at least 3 every week! Ummmmmm… I think they were trying to kill you. Well not exactly kill you but REALLY SERIOUSLY BEAT YOU UP. You were in their territory. Owls are verrrrrrrrrrrry territoial. Owls will swoop down for your head and try to pick you up. You should wear a thick,heavy hat when you walk in the woods. You can’t hear owl’s wings flap so you won’t know they are there unless you see them. When you get into their territory they’ll get your hat, not you, and then you’ll know to get the heck outa there. Anyway, Owls are awesome! And that was a cool story!
They’re very territorial, and very capable of killing a human.
A friend of mine had an owl in his driveway one day that wouldn’t move. It eventually made its way to the neighbour’s barn, and wouldn’t let anything near the barn for about a week until they called somebody to get rid of it. When they picked it ip they said it’s a good thing nobody went into the barn inadverantly, they probably wouldn’t have come out.
My dad was attacked by a hawk out golfing about 2 years ago. It drew some pretty good blood out of his head.
I’ve had hawks try to get me. But I was wearing hats so I’m fine. It must suck to get those talons in your face. It is our fault for coming here and taking their land though…
I remember a few years ago cycling round the Millennium Coastal Path near the Wetlands Wildfowl Sanctuary, when I rounded a corner and found myself staring at a falcon perched on a fence post not ten feet away from me.
This bird was huge!
And he had the attitude to match too.
He just stared at me as if to say, “Yeah? What are you gonna do, punk?”
An utterly majestic creature, I must have stayed ther looking at him for a full minute.
Eventually he got bored of me and took off with great big swooping beats of his wings.