
no, i can name…about 10 kids who haven’t and we are all 15+

Then they are not people, but sub-people. Duh.

I never have, this year I will be in 12th grade.

Dances arent too bad here, but I have more fun once we all go home and have our own little house party.

I’ve never been to any kind of dance or anything like it. Don’t particularly care about dancing.

'Course, I am homeschooled, so I probably wouldn’t go to a dance anyway. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, I don’t mean getting sloshed, just drinking a bit to warm yourself up.

And girls are the only reason to go to a club, in my opinion, at least around here. The music is pretty bad and your ears hurt for two days afterwards. I’ll try wearing earplugs next time I go, actually.

Never been to a dance myself being from England and all we dont seem to have them that much…
I prefer the whole Festival thing all kinds of music all kinds of people and your there for 3 or 4 days totally better than clubbing xD

Clubbing in Norway!

looks more like gathering food to me

hahaha excerlent :smiley:

Haha, that made me laugh.

Clubbing seals is so sad though. :frowning:

Yeah it is.

Only if done with hate:) .

Club seals for Joy!!

I acually LOLed at the picture.

And no, I have never been to a school dance and I am just finished grade 10. I have been to a few other dances, but they weren’t very much fun. I just don’t enjoy dancing at all.

I would much prefere a concert with a big mosh pit or a party where you can just hang out with people.

I love dances…I’m a pretty social person, so I love getting together with a whole bunch of people.