Ok, i’m interested in this. Dan’s Seat out side hop (Cheetah), What’s his vert. He only does 2 in universe 1, they are both around 20 inches. So I just want to know if anyone knows anything about his vert. Don’t mean to mock him at all with a seat in rollin foward hop (Hornet) like his, Cheetahs aren’t needed.
I’ve never heard of cheetah’s or hornets. I do know that Dan rarely does seat out hops.
Cheetahs and Hornets are my groups way of saying those style of hops. It’s a lot easier than the whole name. Trust me.
They sound good to me, now I’ll know what ur talking about if you use the terms
Cool names. I personally prefer saying seat out hops and rolling hops, but whatever floats your boat!
Anyway, like I said up ^there^ Dan Heaton told me that he doesn’t really do seat out hops, and I didn’t notice any in UNiVERsE II. Which ones are you referring to?
I suck at side hopping… I think I can do 24" or so… but maybe more if I really wanted to. I gave up on them as they don’t really fit with my style of riding.
Dude, a 24 inch seat-in side hop is pretty damn high.
something to think about
Nik Caffroy can’t highjump over 40cm but he can jump onto picnic tables no problem.
Zach Vaughn can highjump over 70cm but has a really hard time jumping on to knee high ledges.
Re: something to think about
This is an interesting topic I touched on earlier, right after riding with KH and watching very carefully how even on his highest rolling and still hops, his vert wasn’t very high. I’d watch his beltline and the distance he’d actually jump, from being fully straightened out just before he launched, to the apex of his vert, and it was always less that the heigth he’d hop. In other words, he was using technique, not pure spring as needed to dunk a basketball.
You’d have to get a photo sequence to see how this all plays out, but in trying to iron out the thousand or so bugs in my own raw technique, I’ve noticed this much.
Preloading the tire just before initiating the hop is very helpful in getting a good launch, but it has to be timed perfectly to flow into the explosive boost move, where you actually spring off the peddles.
The boost move is helped by folding the waiste and snapping upright just before lift off.
Keeping a loose grip on the uni, and actually jumping off it, as opposed to with it, generates more heigth.
Once at the deadpoint, the apex, where you’re momentarily weightless in mid air, is the moment of the most concentrated technique.
Once weightless, you fold forward and in a very quick movement, snatch the uni up as your entire lower body sucks up–much as your lower body scrunches up while skiing moglals, though your head doesn’t rise much with the bumps.
Scrunching up in mid air, at the apex, seems like the cardinal move. The more you can accordian yourself up, the higher you can hop.
There is a limit how far you can scrunch up, seat in, since the seat will ram into your package. Not a problem with seat out, and that’s why you can go so much higher seat out. The lifting hand pulls the uni up by your ear, till your fully scrunched up, where you’re literally squatting on the peddles when you go to rubber.
Getting all of these moves timed out is the real art of it. It also requires true quickness.
Trying to muscle any of this, or relying entirely on natural jumping ability, only keeps you around 20 inches. Everything beyond that is largely technique. It’s more of a cat like move than a power move.
Just a few observations.
there’s a sidehop in U2 where dan does a flawless pg-cg-rubber and then does a big double stage drop. is there another one in the picnic table sequence? i’m not sure.
Thanks for everyone that replied. It’s awesome to here abotu this stuff. I’m really into cheetahs, but hornets are alittle more fun. But less rewarding when done sucessfully
They are both rolling hops, he just doesn’t grind I think. This is without looking at the movie. I could easily just look at it as I’ve transfered it to my computer but… whatchu gonna do?