Damn! Speeding tickets are expensive here!!!

Haha that’s actually not a bad idea!:stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you, Jordan. It’s so simple. By the way, have you seen this?

Driving that fast is not a “mistake”. It’s a habit. It’s an absolute disregard for the law. Most likely on a daily basis. That “hurry up, get out of my way” attitude is what kills so many people on our roadways.

I’m glad he got the ticket. But I’m disappointed that his insurance won’t go up. That’s not right.

Gee thanks!:frowning: Too bad not everybody is perfect like you! What a freakin jerk!

Who said he was perfect?

And I dont think he was being a jerk. Really, I see no room for you to be complaining about this ticket either. If you were only going 5mph over, then yeah, I can see where you are coming from, but you weren’t going over by a small amount. You were going by about 20mph over the speed limit. That is obviously your fault to being over by that much.

If you take the class, they will teach you this, just like do in all driving school classes now. If you are going just 1mph over what the speed limit says, a cop can pull you over. Remember that.

LOL! Grow up, asshole. And slow down before you kill someone. I find it hard to believe that this is an isolated incident. A “mistake”. More likely, it’s the way you drive every day. Speeding is a habit. And the flip side of that coin is tailgating. Both are the result of the oh-so-typical “hurry up; get out of my way” attitude. I’m convicting you of far more than one isolated speeding incident, so correct me if I’m wrong.

By the way, nice mature method of avoiding discussion of the issue. Shall we sling names back and forth for a while more? Or shall we get back on topic – your dangerous driving? Oh, I get it! You don’t think you are doing anything wrong! There’s no moral issue here. It’s just speeding. Everybody does it. The only “issue” is how to avoid insurance surcharges. WRONG!

I agree with Uni57 you deserve the ticket there is no excuse for going 17mph over the speed limit.

If someone tailgates me I just sloooooooow on down I was going 20 in a 55 before they finally passed me.

Hey MuniAddict, i wouldn’t worry too much unless you get a speeding ticket like this one. :smiley: :smiley:

:smiley: :smiley:

Speeding ticket.jpg

You’re overlooking something. Maybe the problem is that the speed limit is set incorrectly. If so, is driving over it immoral or causing the road to be less safe than is typical for roads?

You are a very dangerous driver. The dangerousness comes from speed differences. Going at a 35 mph difference from the posted reasonable and prudent speed puts you as being the less safe driver. Learn to drive safely, instead of driving to piss others off and make the roads less safe. You’ll have to eventually realize that you can not change the way other people drive and that your responsibility is to drive safely yourself.

get sat nav that tells you were the cameras are

Yes it is. Because, as you noted, the speed difference is what is dangerous. Some people think it’s stupid to break the law on a daily basis. These people will drive the speed limit. Or even less! The speed limit is the MAXIMUM speed allowed by law – not the minimum. The speed differences arise from people speeding. The minimum speed in a 55 zone is what? 40? So, grandma goes 40 and Gilby goes 75. That’s a 35 MPH difference, which should not have been more than a modest and safe 15 MPH difference. Poor grandma.

Don’t blame the victim. Someone was putting him in danger. When someone seeks to harm you, you must stop them. Pissing off the person who is physically threatening you – who is trying to harass you and intimidate you into going faster – is just a bonus. Maybe eventually that tailgater will get tired of being pissed off. Maybe a lightbulb will go off and he will say, “You know, I really shouldn’t endanger other people. It’s dangerous and it just pisses them off and then I get pissed off – over and over again. I shouldn’t try to control the other drivers. I’ll just back off and drive like a civilized human being.”

You cannot change the way other people drive? Well, I can change the way that ONE person drives… he will stop tailgating me. Joe2005 was going a safe speed based on the following distance of the person behind him. It’s a distance vs. speed issue. If the tailgater does not increase his following distance, Joe should slow down to a speed that is safe for that following distance. Don’t blame the victim. Joe did not cause the dangerous situation. He tried to end it. In fact, he did end it. Way to go, Joe!

Wow, this is Driving the Speed Limit, part two, which is about as much fun as being tailgated. Not sure I want to spend any more of my energy thinking about this happy subject.

Speed limits are oppression.
Observing them is complacency.
Terry is a rebel with a cause.

Uni57 is a rolling road block. :wink:

I had a friend who was a CHP officer. He has pulled over people like Uni57 for going the speed limit when they are creating a rolling road block. He can’t write them a ticket of course, but he could suggest that they keep it in the far right lane and perhaps try to keep up with the flow of traffic.

It’s all about REASONABLE speed. And traffic plays into that. If traffic is moving at 75 in a 65. If you’re going to sit in the far left lane and mosey along at exactly the speed limit, you are putting far more people in danger than I am cruising along with traffic at 75.

And my own public service annoucement. When you’re going exactly the speed limit on a curvy mountain road and stacking up traffic and then come to the sign that says SLOWER TRAFFIC USE TURNOUT. Please get the hell out of the way so the rest of us can get on with it. :slight_smile:

MAture? I didn’t use an expletive like you did, you idiot! And he who is without sin cast the first stone! You’ve NEVER driven over the speed limit in your life? Get off your high horse pal, and you grow up.:smiley:

Just to ad to my last post. Uni57, don’t ascribe your silly “assumptions” about how you think I drive on a regular basis, or your other stupid quote: “Oh, I get it! You don’t think you are doing anything wrong! There’s no moral issue here. It’s just speeding. Everybody does it.” I never said any of those things so quit grabbing at imaginary straws in your feeble effort to make some kind of point.

I know I was speeding and openly and freely admitted it to the cop, signed the ticket and was on my way. And for a little perspective, I’ve been driving for 35 years and have a very good driving record, which is why my ins. premiums are so low. I also don’t drink and there are FAR more drunk drivers out there to worry about, and people not paying attention because they’re cellphones and blackberries are grafted to their ears!

One last thing. The title of my thread: Damn! Speeding tickets are expensive here!!! was about the cost of the ticket being so high. Since so many years had passed since my last ticket, i was just shocked to see how the fees had skyrocketed! Kind of like the cost of cigarettes today at roughly $5 per pack! When I quit about 1975, they were only about 55 cents per pack! :astonished:

Dave, it looks like you poked Terry in a sore spot! Man up, Terry; by posting your wrongdoing you implicitly agreed to face the music. This isn’t the place for you to sling any mud.

You can complain all you like about speed limits and the costs of tickets, but your complaints are nothing in comparison to those from people who’ve been injured or killed through the thoughtless actions of other drivers. What may be a minor inconvenience to you may be a life of pain and suffering for many others.

You can crow all you like about what a great driver you are, but all it takes is a moment of inattention to change someone else’s life for the worse.

To quote many a lawyer: “Past performance is no guarantee of future results”

When it comes to driving though, past performance is the main benchmark that determines your insurance rates. The others are mostly what you drive (including how old it is) and where you live.

I probably speed pretty much every day, by driving with the flow of traffic. That doesn’t make it right, nor does it make it okay, nor does it make the roads safer. Driving with the flow, however, makes things marginally safer than driving slower and creating an obstacle other people will have to go around. But Uni57 described his driving as pretty sane, meaning that he doesn’t hog the left lane though he sometimes gets stuck there.

I have no problem with anyone who wants to drive the speed limit as long as they know left from right and let the traffic flow. I also don’t really have a problem with people on the phone, as long as they remember to drive while they’re having their conversations. I think laws will eventually take care of that aspect of distracted driving.

I used up my traffic school opportunity from a very stupid ticket I got for going around a speed bump, which involved crossing half my car over the centerline on a residential street with no oncoming cars in sight (and plenty of sight). Lame. I did the traffic school, but didn’t cheat. I referred back to the various chapters to check my answers after making them. If you can’t answer such simple questions without cheating, there’s a problem and you probably shouldn’t be allowed to drive.

But then about a year after that I got a speeding ticket, my first in nearly 14 years. The price you pay isn’t in the fine. It’s in the increases in your auto insurance for the subsequent few years. Ouch!

It doesn’t matter how “good” a drive you are. Most people think they’re better than they actually are. What matters are the data points the DMV and insurance companies use to determine whether you’re a good driver. Moving to an area that insurance companies get more claims in, such as a higher crime area, will automatically make you a “worse” driver in terms of dollars.

A moment of inattention going exactly the speed limit will yield the same results.

Find me one expert who thinks you’re safer by being a rolling road block vs. just going with the flow of traffic, whatever speed that may be.

Good sir 'nut, your argument may stand in Dave’s thread but here it makes no sense. 35 MPH (the limit which Terry violated) is not the limit on any freeway, highway, expressway, what-have-you, where “the flow of traffic” has any significance. 35 MPH zones are established in areas where there is significant cross-traffic, driveway traffic and/or pedestrian traffic such that a lower limit is required.

If the “flow of traffic” was 50 MPH through a school zone, would you press your accelerator pedal accordingly? I’d hope not.

I hope you didn’t mean an accident at 52mph would be the same as the equivalent accident at 35. That’s what was meant by the potential difference between life and death, or minor vs. major injuries, or a ticket vs. a multi-million dollar lawsuit.