Damn! Speeding tickets are expensive here!!!

Haven’t had a ticket in years, but I was caught at a speed trap in san pedro about 2 weeks ago and cited for going 52 in a 35. I just checked online to see the fine and it’s a whopping $283! I’m eligible for traffic school and if I take that option it goes up to $312, plus whatever the traffic school charge would be! Does this ticket fine amount seem steep to you? Damn! :astonished:

Why does it go up if you go to traffic school? :thinking:

Well I guess because there’s added paperwork and processing for the court! They’ll get you any way they can! Plus the actual traffic school has their own charge on top of it!

I guess getting a DUI can cost you waaaay more, like thousands, and be an automatic suspended license; but at least I don’t have to worry; as of 11/20/07 it will be 20 years since I quit drinking! Yeah!:stuck_out_tongue:

In my Michigan experience, what one is cited for is often much less than what the cop actually measured, so I suspect you were actually going 100, possibly more. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously though, that’s 17 over which they must consider extreme, thus the heavy fine. Eligible for traffic school? Why would someone choose the option that increases the fine? Perhaps traffic school will reduce or eliminate the penalty you’ll get from you car insurance company, or erase the points on your record? (guessing here)

Of course! That’s the only reason. Once the fine is paid and traffic school completed (online btw very easy) the ticket will not be reported to the dmv, hence, no insurance premium increase.

Wait until you see the effect it has on your insurance premiums. I don’t know about elsewhere in the world but over here it makes the fine itself pale in to insignificance.

Like I said in the above post(s), completing online traffic school will void the ticket and it will not appear on my DMV records, hence, the insurance co. won’t know about it, so the rate won’t increase. I’ve done this before about 4 years ago, but the fine was a lot less!

Fight the ticket.
there are some books about this Amazon.com and if you don’t want the book he has some informational videos and stuff on his website. Good Luck this way.
Lucky i have never gotten a ticket yet. :roll_eyes: the cops around here don’t usually stop you if you slow down immediately or you are over 20 over. unless there having a bad day.:stuck_out_tongue:

I had a ticket for 12 over and it was $154. I think the amounts vary by county. I also took traffic school. Here in Santa Cruz county, we can do online traffic school. I signed up at comedytrafficschool.com on the advice of a friend and from the time I signed up to the time I was done was about 35 minutes hah!

Tip: Just click through the chapters to the tests, then use your browser back button to find the answers. :slight_smile:

Another good resource if you want to go that route.


I didn’t bother fighting it, I didn’t even try to get out of it. I just plain got caught with my guard down. I’ll take 52 in a 40 over a 125 in a 55 anyday :smiley:

Funny… we both got popped for 52mph. :stuck_out_tongue:

In Ontario there going to pass a law that you can get up to $10,000 fine for going 50km/h over the speed limit

Wow i hoe that never comes downn into the states thats only 31.05 mph over the limit and when there is a straight road and no cars with a limit of 55mph well you get the idea.:slight_smile:

Crosses Ontario off the “Vacation Destination” list :smiley:

31 mph is a lot over the limit though

Uni-Geezer rides through the Court .

Sounds like it’s time for another video. Uni-Geezer takes on the justice system by riding his uni into Court. I’m sure that the judge would be very impressed and let you go without any type of penalty. All of the other videos were just prep work for this, your final masterpiece.

Don’t let your fans down. We expect this from you. Don’t be a p#$@@y.

Just don’t speed, problem solved. That way you aren’t a risk to everyone around you and you wont get those crazy speeding tickets.

yeah. I got a ticket a while back for going 46 in a 30 mph zone. It was $140 for the ticket, but about $500 for insurance increases. But, I’d rather pay more for the ticket and not have it reported to the dmv and to my insurance company.

How in the world did you get your Coker up to 52 mph?

Yeah, keep the speed to your coker and muni. =p

How did you manage going almost 20mph over the limit?

Anyways, I would pay the extra and take an online course to get it done quick. Probably save money that way anyways, cause if your insurance goes up, then you have the extra monthly payment, wich would over time, be more money then the speeding ticket was for.

Not really around NM where you don’t have hills or curves the limits are set extremely low and even the cops go around 15 over the limit. So ten thousand for around 15 mph over dosn’t seem very nice.