There was a young lady from Venus
Unicyclists all felt she’d demean us
Despite all their tricks
SHe got no kicks
You finish it!
There was a young lady from Venus
Unicyclists all felt she’d demean us
Despite all their tricks
SHe got no kicks
You finish it!
There once was a man from Peru
He feel asleep in a canoe
He dream he was play with Venus
By “you” could one say that you mean us?
I would guess so.
This limerick is from Edward Lear’s A Book of Nonsense with the accompanying illustration for this limerick:
There was an Old Man in a tree,
Who was horribly bored by a Bee;
When they said, ‘Does it buzz?’
He replied, ‘Yes, it does!’
‘It’s a regular brute of a Bee!’
Not the best limerick in the world, but that book is a little bit of limerick history!
Because she was into vageenus?
There was a young lady from Venus
Whose criminal actions were heinous
She earned some bad karma
By robbing a farmer
She stole all his lambs and his weeners
All good limericks, but I commend you Maestro8!
A felonious fellow from Philly.
Exposed himself in the park when quite chilly.
All his fingers they froze.
Likewise each of his toes.
And the frostbite has taken his willy.
A high-flying lad named Justin
was jumping from roofs with a grin
on his last drop
he came to a stop
by hitting his toes with his chin
A talented lad named Benjamin
Just completed a 360 spin
His friends on Just Conversation
Were totally filled with vexation
When he PWND them by shouting I WIN!
Paha that’s great!
]There once was a lad called tom
Who wanted to play with king kong
He then got squished
And really wished
He hadn’t smoked his bong.
I suck…
Not bad, and it inspired this:
A lad named Tommy Chong
Was wrestling with King Kong
When he got squished
He totally wished
He could have one more hit on his bong!
PS Tommy Chong of Cheech and Chong did 9 months in Federal Prison for selling a bong to someone in Pennsylania. Now they are touring comedy oncerts
I’m going to guess that they’re still not funny. The 9 months was lenient I’d say.
You would. You live in Matawan, the famous prison town, and you and all your family and friends have made their livelihood of keeping bong sellers and joint smokers incarcerated for 20 years under the Rockefeller Drug Laws.
A man named Rafael
Thought potheads should go to hell
[you finish it]
A man named Matawan Rafael
Thought potheads should all go to hell
He made the a decision
To sent them to prison
But the chaplain saved their souls as well
A man named Rafael
Thought potheads should go to hell
he tried just a bit
took another hit
and now he’s addicted aswell
that was crap
There once was a man named Lasar
Who with grace took insults from afar
But he did have to sigh
as he asked them all why
Can’t you at least spell my fucking first name right?
Rafael “Matawan” Lasar
Sidled on up to the bar
but when he drank gin
it made his head spin
and then he threw up in his car!
Har Har Har
Rafael “Matawan” Lasar
Loved his unicycle more than his car
[You finish it]
There once was a lad called Billy
Who thought that Raphael was silly
He wrote a rhyme
Just in time
Now we havn’t got one about your willy
How many syllable’s need to to in the first and last?