Cycle Vision at Zandvoort

Are there people here that also are interested in recumbent bicycles? I ask because the 20-21 May I will go down (from Sweden) to Cycle Vision in Zandvoort This is the biggest annual meetingplace and competition for recumbents in Europe. It would be fun to meet some fellow unicyclists there. Those responsable for the event are positive to different kinds of Human Powered Vehicles, not only recumbents. I mailed them and asked if not unicycling would be interesting to have on the programme. They liked the idea but the time was to short, maby next year, they said.

That’s a great idea, thank you for posting it here! I’m sure unicycles will be allowed in the free riding areas and if I can make it I’ll sure try to be there! I’ll send them an e-mail just to check, I doubt there would be enough unicyclists for a competition anyway…


Well then, I hope we’ll see each other at CV!

John van Baar, Dutch unicyclist, is also an avid recumbent bicyclist. I don’t think he is very often at this site, let alone this forum. I’ll see if I can contact him.

Nice! On

I read that John rides both a centre steered Flevo recumbent and a 36" unicycle. Just like me.

That seems to be a common mixture for recumbent+unicycle riders :slight_smile:
Me too! Okay, no 36", but at least some smaller ones.

Martin, helaas deze jaar niet erbij bij Cycle Vision, maar als volgend jaar ook wat voor eenwielers zou zijn, is dat nog een reden meer :sunglasses:

On my low racer my eyes are lower than the height of the Coker tyre… Both are fast and comfortable, but in a different way. Does somebody have a Trikke (no saddle, no pedals, no chain, just carving)?