custom paint job? suggestion??

hello there!

i’m planning on getting a new unicycle from bedford unicycles, and then getting my chinese name and some other characters put onto the frame.

i think it’d be too detailed to do a vinyl cutting (which was my plan to begin with) so i’m thinking of getting some paint and a fine paintbrush.

anyone have any experience custom-painting their unicycle frame? is there anything in particular i should buy? anything i should avoid??


the imortal Henry Ford once said “You can buy our car in any color you want as long as it’s black!”

shush hanging hook boy. :slight_smile:
i’m not getting a black unicycle!.. (i already have one in black)

hrm. i guess everyone gets hotrod flames on theirs then!
gotdamn me and my imagination!

What’s the uni going to be used for? If it’s a trials or MUni, I wouldn’t bother with a nice paint job, it would get messed up too fast. If it’s a distance or freestyle, go for it. I’ve never tried painting one of my unicycles so I don’t have much in the way of insight. I do know that powder coating seems to be the way to go in terms of strength. I think it would be best to powder coat the base and hand paint the details. You can always repaint the details if and when it gets messed up.

mostly it would be for commuting and learning purposes (still learning how to ride) and maybe some muni once i get better at riding (i.e. learn to ride)

it’ll already be powdercoated, i just want to paint the chinese characters on.


In that case, just use nail polish. It’ll give you the cool brush strokes.