Custom Kris Holm Unicycles

Wow… that tire cleaning technique works really well!

You only got 2 differences to find :stuck_out_tongue:

Cleaner tyre and the shoe lace has been removed, stripped seatpost!

That looks really cool Emile.

I was just about to suggest that you shouldn’t clean the tire. Oh well :stuck_out_tongue:

pedals are whiter.

Nah that’s just the picture I guess.

Cleaner tire, no shoe lace in the hub, naked seat post. Those are the differences.

gonna get some yellow pedals, and yellow seat cover :slight_smile:

fresh coat of paint and she is looking dreamy.

A mirror rim would look so nice on this.

wow… thats a very nice uni!

Very nice uni ! It would look a whole lot better if it was being ridden at unicon though !!

haha +1

Soon to have yellow pedals as well:



That is SEXY!

Reminds me the uni of a friend of mine:

is that spray painted or powdercoated?
its looking awesome!!!
nice yellow nipples too!

Safey your uni look super sexy…

I think you should get a KH 09 rim and maybe a tire

wow sik set up safey!!!
nice colour scheme.

He sure has the right taste in colors!

I won’t tell you I accidentally painted the nipples yellow lololol :smiley:
Yeah my rim is spray painted, It chips pretty easily. Ima buy a kh rim sometime and get that one PC’d, this was just for a test. And it passed.

wow :astonished: it looks very good :astonished:

She :wink:

Apply a coat or two of clear coat, it’ll help prevent that.