Those are cool but you’ll have an easier time selling them if you get some better pictures in the ads. Especially the second one, which is hard to separate from the background and mentions custom grips which we can’t see. Good luck selling!
Someone else will tell you if this belongs in the Trading Post area. Probably, but maybe not because it’s not unicycles…
its not necesarily goth. its more like a rat rod. and if you dont know what that is its like a hotrod but instead of flashy paint and chrome they have bare metal and rust and there all chop toped and lowered to the ground. so i was going for that style.
and ya i need better pictures thats why they all say will take trade im looking for a decent camera haha.
Goth borrows heavily on imagery from earlier subcultures including punk, heavy metal, biking etc. Motorbiking and the chopper scene generally has long had a fascination with coffins.