
i know there are a few threads about this from way back, but i thought i would bring it up again.

we’ve got a lot of rubik’s people here, james potter, frank brown, to name a couple, and for the last few months i have been woking on it myself.

i learned using the petrus method and am still using it. as of now, i use 6 algorithms and their variations to complete the third layer.

my best score is 2:00 exactly and if i am trying for speed, average between 2 and 3 minutes. while i know learning new algorithms would help my speed a lot, i also know that i should be able to complete the F2L within 20 seconds if i practice enough.

my goal is to average under 1 minute.

so the point of this thread is really just to give tips and such on finger tricks, preffered algorithms, etc, and not mention switching the stickers (see older thread :-)).

I, as an avid cubist aslo used the Lars Petrus Method for quite sometime. Basically o get better at any method, just do it over and over, and don’t nessescarily stick to a set way. If you are positive one way will work but have never tired it before then still go for it. I used to be afraid of screwing up and having to restart(don’t ask me why…) but once I got over the fear I was able to make my own method of sorts(much like the LP method but with a completely different 3rd layer method and a few shortcuts here and there). And my best time to date is 47.79 seconds. I cant even get blow 50 rarely but a ton of people were watching so I had the adrenaline a flowin’.

Practice Practice Experiment Practice Practice Practice.

I used to use the Petrus Method, and came very very close to averaging sub-20 seconds with it. My best average was about 20.5 seconds.
Yeah, but now I’m using the corners first method. When I just started using this one, I averaged around 50 seconds. That was a month ago, and now I’m at 34ish. I’m hoping to eventually average sub-20.

It just takes a lot of practice, but once you get under a minute, you always wonder how it’s possible to go so slowly…?

You guys are nuts! I can get one full side in like three minutes, and can go no further even if I work at it for like fifteen minutes.
How do you do it? Is there a secret switch somewhere? Whats the world record? Sub 20 must be close.


The official world record is about 12.5 seconds, by Macky Makisumi. The weird thing is, he’s 13. He also solves it in 2 minutes blindfolded. Macky’s a freaking genius.

Oh, and for anyone who’s interested, here’s the official forum (thing) for the Rubiks Cube:

Can one of you recomend a site that gives some tips on solving it. I used to be able to do it in about five minutes, after memorizing the instructions that came with it, but I haven’t done it in a while. is the father of all speedcubing websites.
And I posted a link to a Yahoo! Group up there, that’s the grandfather of all speedcubing groups.

On go to the links page, then look under “solutions” for solutions. Also, check out the pages under the heading “speedcubing.” Namely:

Jessica Fridrich’s Speed Cubing Page
Lars Petrus’ Speed Solving Page
Dan Knights’ Rubik’s Cube Page


there is no secret, and hardly any “talent” in solving a rubiks cube. Its just a matter of memorization and fast hands. any well trained ferret can do it if they practice it enough. im not trying to downplay those who are really into cubing, im just trying to make the point that people that can solve it in sub minute times aren’t necessarily geniuses. they simply memorize steps, look at the colors, then follow the steps. my personal best is 50 seconds with Adam’s method, my friend 1cube1wheel’s best is around 46.

there is sorta a cult i started at my school with the cube…there are about 20 people now that have bought cubes and are trying to learn, probably 5 or so can completely solve it now.

cubing is fun.


Tennisgh is right, you can be a complete moron and be able to solve the Rubiks Cube in about a minute average. To get under a minute, you need to actually try really hard. To get under thirty seconds, it does kind of help to have a spacial 3 dimensional kind of mind.

Truely amazing.

Ill say.I gave up on the darn thing after I got only 3 sides.

It took me a month.

Didn’t you two hear what tennisgh just said? All you need is to memorize a few sequences of moves, and you’ve got it. Most people don’t know what they’re doing, or trying to do, when they first pick up a Rubiks Cube. But if you learn those few sequences, then it’s very very simple.

Im hard of hearing.

How do you memerize the few sequnces?

Well, here’s a good website with a very beginner solution:

That should tell you everything you need to know about memorizing a couple sequences.

i can testify that this is a good method, but not the only one. if for some reason you can’t figure out some of the steps or you simply do not like this method, just ask and i’ll send you a couple other beginner ones


I might have to dig out the evil thing once again.