Crazy Stalker Ex! should i take action?

I have not talked to this girlf for nearly a year and we have been broken up for over a year, as far as i new she was living somewhere 4 hours drive away…

Then sun night, i wasn’t home because i dont actually live there anymore (i still try to pop in once a day in the evenings) My mother found a nutri grain box on the door step all taped up and sealed. She opened it and dropped it in shock. It was full of old socks and a pair of undies coated in what appeared to be seaman and then there was used tissues littering the whole thing.

When i got home i went out to the bin to see if i new what it was because she was questioning my brother and i thinking it was one of our friends. Upon tipping it out i new it was her instantly. It was little peices of paper all written on with words made up by her, but everyone had the call sign of the radio i work at written on it and they all had something about what i talked about friday morning in my breakfast too. Then one just had like the date: 25th and all these ‘nasty’ ( i love that word) things written on it. then in the bottom there was a huge chefs knife packet and lots of teabags.

She really needs to find herself a hobby. It is not as much the Box or its contents, it is the fact she left it on my parents doorstep and my mother found it.

Should i take action or let it go? i am not happy about what she just put my mother through, there could have been anything in there, Mum did not deserve to open that. I do not know where this cold heartedness came from, i was never unpleasent to her, i am not that type of person. She was the one who cheated on me, more than once. I just left and moved on.

Is There any trained phsycologist unicyclists whom understand what any of this means? or just any other bloke/shelia wanting to put in there two bob? would it be smarter to just ignore it, as i first intended to. Or should i question her? i feel an apology to my mum is in order.

…creepy. I would say ignore it, but if anything happens again, I’d get the police involved. It might not seem like the best thing to do, but your mom doesn’t deserve that.

I say you email her old condoms off of ebay lol jk.

Before accuing you should find out, if she lives 4 hours away, and it was something she would write doesnt mean it is her, no matter how likly, i would question or, find out.

were there any nutri-grain bars in the box? what flavor? can i have some?

Well…I know a way you could get a deal out of this. Send the nutri-grain box back to the company showing this was in it, and then they give you free nutri-grain bars 4 life! Yeeeaahh!

But seriously, forget about it. If anything else happens get the cops involved. Or Clint Eastwood style it and take the law into your own hands.:smiley:

I would let this one pass but if anything else happens then get the police involved.



Don’t have any advice for you…but damn, that is creepy.

You want this little fella tobbogonist??. :smiley: :smiley:

or do you want this little fella?

gatling gun.jpg

someone here has a gun fixation…

Tom, i’d let this one go but i’d let the cops know if it happens again. You’re mom really dosn’t deserve that kind of stuff. Nor do you.

Ok, I say you learn monkey kong fu, then threaten to call the secret service. start buying poptarts instead of nutri grain bar, then sue her for sexual harrasement.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaashotgun monkey.gif

aaaaaaaaaamonkey kong fu.jpg

And a scorpion fixation???

What’s wrong with that?

Thanks guys for the help, i think i am going to ignore it. just let it go.

Crazy bastard.

Yeah, I’d ignore it as well. Reacting to it only gives her more energy and incentive to carry on. Play smooth, as if she got the wrong address. Or you can even give her: “The funniest thing ever happened to my neighbour the other day…” But maybe not. Don’t feed the troll.

If she’s dropping hints that there is going to be a large, sharp kitchen knife involved in your near future, then go to the police.
Don’t make a big thing of it. Just tell them what you’ve told us. It’s important that they know someone has done this in case it happens again. Explain why you think it is your psycho ex and show them the notes.

Ideally what you need is a wise old yoda-like figure to give you advice on dealing with lunatic ex girlfriends.
Unfortunately he is halfway up Mt Kilimanjaro at the moment.

you sure it was her?

You might want to think about keeping the evidence, just in case.

dna test!