Crazy Scooter Tricks

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Ahh - Magic :slight_smile:

That’s IMO just as good as a backflip, that guy has skillz!!!
Thank you so much for that video, finally got my mum to say wow to something on a unicycle :smiley:

Heh - It really is some skill :smiley:

On another note - why do you have an uno as your image? I presume you’re not related to someone at BPG motors :smiley: Can’t remember when production’s set to be on them but I don’t think it’s too long now.

No reason i just thought it looked really cool!!!
I don’t have any impressive pics of me on a unicycle as i’ve been riding a bog standard 20",that i bought for £35, for the past year or so…Still i’ll be spending the majority of my wages in the coming weeks on something a bit more decent :smiley:

Yeah I don’t have many pics of me either - partially why I have no pic but partially cos I haven’t got round to putting something on.

Have you seen the honda ux3 yet? Another cool bit of kit, if only it went faster…

I haven’t seen one in real life but yeah I’ve seen them a few times.
Being into electronics and programming, I’m more interested in how it’s made and programmed. I’d rather be balancing myself on a unicycle anyway.
The day I see a UX3 or uno doing gaps and drops offroad I’ll might be more interesting in sitting on one.

I just like the ‘ride any direction’ concept. Imagine incorperating it into cars…I’m with you, i’d definately prefer riding my uni.

What I see is a money sport (something unicycling still is not). I watched that, and a few tricks in, I was wondering how many scooters he breaks in a week. Then I wondered what kind he was using. Later I figured out Blunt is a scooter brand. If I wanted to beat on a scooter, that video would definitely make me want that brand. And scooters are much, much easier to sell than unicycles…

The tricks were fantastic, and the video was very well made. Never saw scooter porn before, but I stuck through to the end. A downside of the skill is that things happen really quick, like flip tricks. It’s hard for an average viewer to get a handle on what’s going on. Of course the same can be said for NHL hockey… :stuck_out_tongue:

You really couldn’t tell? The guys were saying how the shoes being waterproof was actually a factor, and that taking a curved line onto the water was a factor? They were messing with you and you bought it. If people could run on water, don’t you think you would have heard of it before? It was a masterful piece of viral marketing. Never heard of the shoe brand, but I’ll pay more attention next time I see them.

You have never heard of Hi Tec clothing? They are one of the largest manufacturers of hiking boots in the world!

Some of us own zero pairs of hiking boots.

Maybe I should make the winky smilie bigger, and I thought the chris angel reference would also give it away… Looks like you fell for my joke :slight_smile:

I remember hi tec when they were just getting known, that was over a decade ago now I believe.