Crazy Scooter Tricks

I’ve never seen anyone get this hardcore with a scooter before.
CRAZY!!! :astonished: :astonished: :astonished: :astonished:

…and I thought nothing could look as ridiculous as unicycling.

Impressive skills in the video, but it still looks just as inane as the sporthockers (extreme sitting).

Where can I buy one of these sporthocker sitting things.

Scooters are back in fashion though - all the kids are riding them now.

Those sporthockers are very very expensive as only one company makes them (for hockern) - some mates and I looked into buying some but it was not to be.
99euro from here.

And this wasn’t the video I was looking for but there’s this too:
There are some insane vids hanging around - just gotta find them - vimeo search is crap!

I can’t really understand anything on that website. I really want to get one. Is there any way to get one in America?

There isn’t even an option to delever to the U.S. :frowning:

Very talented, but it’s still a scooter. We might look silly on our unicycles, but at least it’s something magical (riding on one wheel)

That extreme sitting is hilarious.

But check out what I just found!!! I thought this was total bullshit at first, but I’m not so sure now. True or no?? :wink:

Oh, but Chris Angel did it first, he is so magical and stuff. OH MY GOD HE LIKE WALKED ON WATER

they admitted that it was fake :frowning:

Contact them and I’m sure they’ll happily sort that out for you.

that kid should pull up his pants!

Good for them. Not Chris Angel of course, which was as real as it looked. Stay on the plexiglass… :smiley:

It’s crap.

It’s a fake yes but it wasn’t a bad viral tbh.

Back on the thread topic though, those guys on their scooters are pretty amazing! Has anyone ever managed a backflip on a uni? I’d be like :astonished: if someone had…

I’ve seen a front flip off pallets, front flip on flat, backflip on trampoline with the unicycle, backflip off a unicycle but never a backflip on/off anything else non-bouncy with the unicycle.

Grrr… can you embed vimeo with this?

Yeah just click the inert link button

Edit: Oh no, I guess it’s not working right now. But that is how you do it.

Yeah I thought it was so I tried that :smiley:

Oh and to clarify, it’s not the “inert button”, but the “insert button”