crazy cats

Yeah. Just one more reason to hate cats.


Cats are just crazy because they’re natural ninja’s. And All ninjas flip out when they have nothing good to kill. I would know, I am a master of flipping out.


Hate is a very strong negative emotion and has no place on this planet, especially when it is willed upon other beings. The likely origin of hate is misunderstanding. Once you understand your fellow beings you may no longer find reason to conjure up any such emotion.

They’ll make you craaaaaa-zzzzzzzy

I know that you are correct maestro, but I am very, very allergic to cats, so I will never be able to really get to know cats well enough to stop disliking them.

Though, to decrease the overall level of hate that plagues this world, I will demote my hatred of cats to a great dislike of them. I hope that helps.