i found this video of some of the greatest free runners i have seen .Check it out
dude, you’ve never seen that one? That’s David Belle, the guy who popularized the sport of le parkour (or ‘free running’). his website is here: http://www.le-parkour.com/
or it used to be, doesn’t seem to be there anymore… not the same site anyway.
www.urbanfreeflow.com is my Parkour site of choice.
Whoa…extreme “running”.whatll they think of next-extreme one wheeled bikes?
I am slowly getting in to this sport and man is it nerve racking
Yeah, that’s an old one…
I’m getting into parkour, too, but it’s crazy hard.
I think anybody in reasonable shape could do parkour, and it’s mainly a mindset, the kind where you say “wow… up that, off that, down that, over that, etc.”
You get it from Trials and MUni, and I think it transfers easily to parkour.
I really suck though.
It seems that his new site is at davidbelle.com but it’s all in French and there aren’t any videos there.
me too, I really like not going big and fancy like David Belle in that movie up there, but just jump around on walls and stairs and rails and the like for fun. when I’m unicycling, and there’s something too huge to do on one wheel, I just use my feet. it sucks though, because when I’m unicycling I use my skate shoes with very little support, and parkour is easier with good running shoes.
I sometimes uni over to the city park and do whatever I can on the big kiddie playground thing there.
I really need to work on flow and stuff though, I can do it all, just not in a cool series.