Hey guys i got lose cranks. So i`m going to buy new ones for trial. Would you suggest me to get kh spirit cranks or qx blackzeroq cranks? Which one are stronger?
You will have a hard time damaging both I think.
With the spirit you will have the option to go dual hole (even though single hole would be a bit stronger) and disk compatibility (enven though useless for trial) but they are more expensive.
On the other hand, the QX cranks seems to be one piece design like the Moment and are cheaper.
They weight the same so it will be down to price, Q factor or not and look/additional features.
If you are really concerned about strength and not so much about weight, you should consider going for a set of Moment that you can find on sale easily (or second hand). You will break plenty of parts (including yourself) before making them break a sweat
I stripped a pair of the new quax cranks so,I’m not a fan
Hey guys thanks for answering^^
i bought the kh spirits 1 hole only… the salesman from municycle told me that the qx cranks are not as stable as the spirits
and now i am using them for a week or so and they seem to be really good although i would rather have moments but i couldn`t find them…^^
moments are discontinued being replaced by spirits.
the difference between the 2 is moments are built to take EVERYTHING while spirits are built to take almost anything thus making moments heavier
moments are still available from UDC UK (hmm i should probably get some before they are gone…)
So you would favor the moments in 137mm over the spirits in 137mm ? if you have the choice.
Spirits lighter and have a better feel to them