i just learned how to crankflip!!! but i do it a little different than others. all i do is ride at a medium pace and jump off the cranks by pushing down on the seat and kicking my legs out. i don’t know if i’m telling all you guys the same as others, so don’t kill me
cool! congrats! happy on hundredth post!
so the tire stays connected with the ground the whole time?
uhhhhh, no i do this off a ledge usually
show a vid
You push down on the seat?
Do the cranks go all the way around?
I know wht he is doing, when someone who is not used to doing no footers, tries them, then cranks flip forwards automatically, so if someone jumped high enough, at the right speed, hit jump, how he jumps would flip the cranks, it isnt really a crankflip, it is a variation, but you cannot do anything from it.