OK. Which facebook group is most active for flatland/street? Seems not too many flatlanders hang out on this forum.
I got a question for someone with experience. I’ve asked on other threads, but gotten no response.
I can get a pair of moment 125s on the trading post for ~ $80. A bit pricey, but I guess they are hard to come by now a days. Or for $25 more dollars I can get the 127 Spirits. I’ve heard Spirits have mixed reviews for flat. Some love them some hate them. I guess the issues are less surface area than Moments and a bit more Q.
Does anybody have experience with both? Which do you prefer? You can still put rollos on the Spirits right? I have started landing on the cranks more, which makes me appreciate the surface area of my groovies, but they are heavy and too long for my taste.
Without getting anyone in trouble, the consensus is that Moments are better than Spirits for flat.
It would be nice if Kris would make some cranks for flat and street. I think the issue is that the Spirits don’t have enough room to stand on.
I considered the 130mm Groovy from UDC Canada, but they are $130. I’ll take the used moments from the trading post. Then I can get rollos and I have a pretty versatile set of cranks.
The Unicycle Chat was very responsive. I got a bunch of messages in reply to my question.