Crank Length, Tire Space

I ordered a miyata freestyle uni but before they can start building it they need to know how long of cranks i should get and the tire space, I know i want the tire space to be minimal and the cranks to be pretty short.

for tire space i’m thinking 1 mm, is this too small that if i buy a different brand tire it may rub?

crank lenght, 89 or 102 i think

it also allows for pole length and i am just going to go with 400

1mm could lead to problems. What if the tire you start with goes out of production? Give a few more mm to allow for future tires or even differences from one tire batch to another. Do a minimum of 3mm

For cranks, unless you’re already familiar with using 89s I’d start with 102s and work my way down. 89s are great for spins and other rolling tricks, but terrible for anything where you need leverage, like side-ride. I currently use 114s, a step up from the 102s I previously had. I used 125s in my heyday but they are kind of long.

yeah that’s what i was worried about also, if i went with 5mm that wouldnt wake much of a difference over 3mm and that’s still pretty close right?

for crank length i probably will go with the 102’s

I think 5mm would be perfect, as you also don’t want to have your toe accidently rub the tire when standing up and this should give you enough room for a slightly out of true wheel aswell. As for cranks, I would suggest 110-90 mm somewhere in there, John is much more knowledgeable (sp?) on the subject, but I was working with 125’s on my freestyle earlier and I was hating it, now that I’m on 110’s on my trials I am liking it much more for freestyle but I’m still finding it a bit jerky and wishing I had smaller cranks, and since you are going to be on a freestyle tire that is lighter and harder it will probably be another reason to go with shorter cranks to try and smooth things out. I would actualy try and get some wierd size that you can only get from Miyata if possible as I’m sure its much easier to get 89mm or 102mm in the U.S. for pretty cheap and since the custom cranks are included in the price you might aswell go out and try something crazy!

BTW I am crazy jealous, I really want to get a Miyata freestyle but due to money and the fact that I don’t really ride enough freestyle to make it worth that kind of money I don’t think it will be happening for me.

Good luck and treat your baby right :stuck_out_tongue:

HA HA HA, might as well right, how about i go with 97’s, it’s a middle road, and if they arnt able to do that i’ll just go with 102’s

i will take care of it trust me, it’s going to be a while before it gets here though because it’s 40 days till ship date then it’s being mailed by sea…it’ll be worth it though once it gets here

I was wondering, does about 5mm difference in crank length make a noticable difference?

also, when ordering a uni from miyata, do they make the cranks and frame themselves?

also, did you get the titianium frame uni?

Cranks are pretty cheap too so its not like its a huge problem. If you can afford that and it didn’t take you ten years to afford it then you can afford pretty much any size cranks you can imagine.

As per Mornish’s question, 5mm isn’t a huge difference to notice but it is a full cm in circumference so it makes enough of a difference that you can go from having an unwieldy crankset to something that is just within your ability and will either be perfect for you after a bit or help transfer you to the harder cranks.

oh. what do you think would be an ideal crank length for beggining freestyle(sos idleing and riding ect.)?

I’m also looking to get a freestyle uni.

Beginner is a different thing than a good freestyle uni I think. I find it easier to idle on longer cranks but I find with shorter cranks I can control my movements without changing my balance at all and that helps me alot with trying to do toe taps and manuevering one footed. It also helps me transition from having my feet on the pedals and putting them elsewhere, be it on the frame of out in the air. You should probably learn a few freestyle tricks on your current uni first and then once you start doing things that you feel require something different switch over. Although this is just my opinion, and its the argument I’m using on myself to avoid buying a freestyle uni.

yea, but my trials uni has been proving lacking for things like transitioning from one foot riding to both feet on frame gliding and other things.

does anyone make 105mm cranks?

These people all make 102mm cranks.

ok, I think I’ll start with those.

Re: Crank Length, Tire Space

On Thu, 17 Aug 2006 23:40:39 -0500, ntappin wrote:

>As per Mornish’s question, 5mm isn’t a huge difference to notice but it
>is a full cm in circumference

5 mm isn’t huge but definitely noticeable. It is a full cm in DIAMETER
and more than 3 cm in CIRCUMFERENCE (of the circle that the pedals
describe with respect to the frame).

Klaas Bil - Newsgroup Addict

“I’m slowly but surely stealing Wales and bringing it back to my house on the wheel, frame and cranks of my muni. - phil”

Re: Crank Length, Tire Space

On Thu, 17 Aug 2006 23:42:09 -0500, mornish wrote:

>oh. what do you think would be an ideal crank length for beggining
>freestyle(sos idleing and riding ect.)?

If I read correctly that ‘beginner’ means you have to work on things
like idleing and riding, then 125 would be a good crank size on a 20".
102 is too short to be comfortable for a real beginner.

Klaas Bil - Newsgroup Addict

“I’m slowly but surely stealing Wales and bringing it back to my house on the wheel, frame and cranks of my muni. - phil”

no i did not get the titanium model, i just got the custom fork pro performer, they emailed me after i ordered it asking the specs that i wanted it to be made to

About half as noticeable as a 10mm difference. :slight_smile: For high speed riding, any amount of length change is theoretically noticeable. Also for doing certain types of tricks. But 5mm is pretty small.

Regular Miyatas are factory made, just like any other affordable unicycle. But the custom-order ones from MYS are handmade (or custom made in the factory) to your specifications. I think the short cranks, if alloy, are custom cut as well.