Couple of newbie questions...

i’ve tried to find info on this but came up with nothing… what is ‘trials’? is it like time trials or what…

also, i recently got a 24" torker as my first uni. i’ve heard a lot of good and bad about torkers for beginner unis, but for $90 they can’t be that good… other than those plastic caps coming off, what problems can i expect from it?

oh, and would it be worth it to get a new tire/saddle/pedals for it? or is it just going to get destroyed if i ride it hard…


They say 20" is easier to learn on, I dunno though, mine’s a 20" silver Torker. Make sure everything is on right and tight. Make usre the left crank arm and pedal are on the left and the right blah blah blah… I had to learn the hard way and my right crank arm’s threads were stripped out so I have to wait till tomorrow or next Monday to get new ones shipped in to my bike shop. grrr. Well, I’m sure more people will post with more and better help.

I also started with a chrome 24" Torker. After the first few hours, I had to replace the seat (it is made for a child, that I am not). Other than that, I used it till it was time for something stronger. Leave the pedals and tire, those pedals are great for learning (aren’t too grippy so you can jump off easier). I tried putting a 2.1 tire on it but wouldn’t fit between the legs. It’s now in the hands of another beginner…

i learned how to ride in a few hours with mine (an hour a day for 3 days)… ya know what really works? find a big empty parking lot and get on your uni holding onto the trunk (or hood) of your car, and pedal alongside it with one hand touching the car, and when you reach the end just try to keep going. you’ll eventually go further and further and it’ll just click. dont pedal too slow, or too fast… unless you start leaning too far forward or too far back… if you lean back, pedal slower, if you lean forward, pedal faster. always keep your head up and look straight ahead.

just make sure you dont bail off the uni while you’re next to the car… might cause some nasty dents or scratches :stuck_out_tongue:

would a miyata seat fit on a torker…?

Yes, but you have to purchase it with the seatpost (22.2). The Miyata post head is different than the stock Torker.

Trials is very basically hopping over/on/off obstacles. I’m sure someone can come up with a better description :slight_smile:

Empty carparks are fantastic for learning in, although I learned in a truly empty carpark, and had a wall to hang on to :slight_smile:

Regarding new bits and pieces… probably best to work out how you want to ride it, then buy parts accordly.