Could use some web-savy advice.

Hey folks, anyone who is websavy, I’d really appreciate your reply.

I made a website for the tour Da Yoop. see link below. If you google “Missing wheels”, links to the site do come up :slight_smile: , but not in the context of the frame :frowning: , and so they don’t make much sense out of context. How do I prevent this?


I don’t know how to make the link on google go to the framed page, but what you can do is put a link on the page that does come up saying something like, if you’re not in the frame, click here!! and it’ll go to the framed page.
that would work…but I betcha John_Childs is gonna come give you some REAL advice in a bit (:

hey, good temporary fix. I’ll do it tonight!

I asked a web developer friend of mine about this. His response:

“Just reason number 1,672 in the millions of reasons to NOT use frames. Frames suck. Period. I gave up trying to solve their issues LONG ago.”

Just one man’s opinion.

I’m not a javascript coder, but I’m guessing there’s some javascript function that you can use to find out where the page is loaded. If it’s loaded in its own browser window, you could re-direct to the index.htm page.

As I said, I’m just guessing. My area of expertise is PHP, but I know there are lots and lots of javascript functions that can do cool things.


A quick websearch on “javascript” coupled one-by-one with various terms like “frames,” “location,” etc., yielded lots of websites, one of which was this one:

Seems to me that the technique described is along the lines of what you’re looking for, especially since someone posted a little ways down about search engines yielding results for orphan pages just as you described.

Good luck!


Hey, good find Rich. Basicly, the javascript is automaticly doing what James_Potter suggested, so you don’t have to click on anything to get to the correct page.

I don’t see any flaws in the suggestion Rich found, so following the instroctions in the first post should work.

Podzol, I don’t know how far your web-savyness goes, but if you’re having any problems with this, just tell me. I’d be glad to help.

Hey Rich and Borges,
Thanks for the help. I’ll give it a try later today.
Happy New Year!

You may also consider using META tags. This allows you to put in <head> in your index.html file a tag that looks something like

<meta name="GOOGLEBOT" content="INDEX">

This will tell Google to index your main page. Then, in all subsequent pages, add a tag that looks something like:

<meta name="GOOGLEBOT" content="NOINDEX">

I’m not too experienced with these, but it’s worth a shot.

I gave up frames a long time ago as they had many issues. If you’re looking to change it around, using a stylesheet will make your site much more friendly.

Don’t do that, you want your pages to be indexed.

Not just one man’s opinion. It’s the opinion of most web developers. Makes it had for search engines to index the site properly, makes it hard for the user to bookmark a specific page, etc.

Plus, you can acheaive the same effect using CSS (cascading style sheets).

Socrates allegedly said:
I know nothing except the fact of my ignorance.

I will do as James_Potter suggests but I keep getting a 553 Disk full error when I try to upload. i believe this is a matter for Super Gilby.

Thanks everyone, I can clearly see that I’m in over my head here!

I’m getting the disk full error too.

On my website, I made a splash page. Visitors could then click an “enter” link that will take the users to the framed page. Have a look here.

FTP should work now.

Unicyclists to the rescue!

Problem is solved to my satisfaction. Used Mr. Potter’s technique, beacuse it was in simple enough for me to wrap my meager capacities around. I would have tried Rich and Borges methods, but it was still over my head. :thinking: I’m web-challenged, I’m afraid.

Thanks, all!
You’re great (and inexpensive :wink: ).

This Web developer agrees with Gilby and that other guy’s friend. One of the other huge reasons to not use frames is that it’s impossible to send someone to a specific framed page. All you can link to is the homepage, or whatever URL shows when you’re on the desired page.

When you get a chance, rebuild the site without the frame. You don’t need to use CSS or anything if you don’t want, though if you have software that can make templates (I prefer Dreamweaver) it helps a lot.

Just to let you know. I downloaded the missing wheels website to test the method, and it works fine.
With a bit of extra typing you can send people to a specific page and you get the correctly formatted page from the search.

I’m not sure I understand. Did you test your method and it worked? or the James_Pottter fix that I made?

If you’re method worked I’ll try to give it a go tonight after work!
thanks :slight_smile:

It may take a bit of work, but switching that over to CSS would really improve it. Find a good web page that looks the way you want, using CSS, and then model yours after it. Also, with apoxamately 1 line of php (or probably something else too) you can have the frame-like-thing automatically loaded into each page, so you only have to change it in one place to change all the pages. Then it is really easy to add new content, and to change the look of things.