Ok im am new to the whole unicycleing deal but i really like it. And i just wanted to know if the Torker Unistar LX 20-inch 2006 model is a good choice to start off with, im like 6’ 1" and 180lbs. this will be my second uni but i only used the first for like a week and it is like 20 years old so its is preety beat up and the seat is killin me.
- Welcome to the fora!
- Stop typing in orange…It hurts the eyes.
As for the torker lx 20" it is a great unicycle. Very strong considering the fact that its not splined and it’ll take alot of the stuff you can throw at it. However for your hieght i recomend the 24" model for comfort.
one more of us, one less of them - where’s GILD?
i’ve heard the torker LX 20" is pretty good, but yeah definatly go for the 24"
I asked Andrew Carter the same question
2.5 weeks ago, i weigh the same as you, and i am 6’2, he suggested GP20" , and it is heaven, very comfy and tough looking, $500 AU,