I think i have made some observations of aftereffects of wine drinking on unicyling performance. I do not mean immediate effects ,which is quite obvious.
My be there are some observations which you are glad to share.
I have noticed ,being not a teenager,bank holyday booze was causing me totally painless flare up of ostheoarthitis. It was manifesting by trace of fluid in both knees. As a consequence increased tension of the leg muscles was seriously impering my balance. As there was no pain. I initially have assumed it was senility creeping on me.
I am happy to say it is not so, as yet. I am back to joyfull unicycling.Ha! there is a price to everything.It is very economical universe.
Re: Corellation? ‘If man does not hold a liquer…’
That is a great quote, hope you don’t mind if I borrow it for a while.
Liquor and unicycles make strange bedfellows. At last Sunday’s picnic I was practicing jump mounts onto my muni, after a couple brewskis I was seriously tempted to try my first suicide mount. Fortunately my inhibitions were still intact, suicide will wait for another day.
Re: Re: Corellation? ‘If man does not hold a liquer…’
On the contrary, that may have been UNfortunate. I have never mustered the courage to try the suicide mount but everyone who did says it is dead easy once you overcome the initial fear. You’re on to something. Maybe I should drink a lot and then try?
In the unlikely event that you land sensitive spots first, the weight of you landing will simply push the uni out of the way.
Go for it.
Hate to be the doomsayer again, but tell that to my old miyata, front bent downwards due to a missed landing. That hurt.
Let’s conclude. ‘If man can not hold a liquer he is not a man, but he may still remain an unicyclist’. TU kind Men.
But, when did holding liquor become the mark of a man? I thought that’s what bottles and bladders were for…