Coolest weapon or defensive gadget...

It’s the only honorable way.

Uni Fight 7.jpg

hey is that the same day the guy on the left made that funny face at you

also a side note on gatling guns the first pic of a gatling gun the whole idea of a gatling gun is so they dont over heat that is why they have so many barrels the barrels spin aroundw/ a motor(not sure i think so) and that in turn cools them down

the second pic of the gatling gun is not the largest one fitted any maro but it is fitted to the A-10 tank hunter(aka the hog) it firers milk bottle size bullets and has two different MUNItions onbourd that are carried in thos double helix thingys ; armor peucing bullets of depleted uranium that can punch a hole thruogh 3 inches of armor the second MUNInition is a insendatory shot .The bullets lose about an inch if height every mile and have a maximum range of 10 miles (yay my first write) how do I know this Im a friggen 12 year old boy what do you think i read/look up/dream about in my apare time

Yeah, that was the same day, but it was the guy on the right (mike) not the one on the left, for the one on the left is me.

k cool I think the best defensive weapon is a steel ruler I cut one down secratly in manual arts and now its 45 cms and i carry it roud in my bag great 4 slashing (this is after I got hit my a bully)(dont worry I got him back)(by hacking into his school acount and making his home page a porn page)(heheheheheh)

i was gonna say Chuck Norris’ round house kick but looks like ‘Spudman’ has already got a pic of him there.


coolest weapon

I’m sure I’m not the only one to think “cool weapon” don’t exist (unless you store your weapon in the freezer). :angry:
Some guys around here should find the adress of a shrinck and get an appointment SOON!!:frowning:

but by the time it over heats your enemy will have had about 5000 bullets or so, they’ll probly leave you alone

you have a good point my amigo.


the latest version on helicopters don’t overheat :smiley: then again it’s a variation.

then again…


My ultimate weapon is in my pants…

Big Pimpin’

hehehehe nicely done

what is the animal with the ultimate pacifist defense?
… the skunk!

And I thought I found some pretty kewl stuff on the web…

What, the unbearable stank of your butt?

The most effective home crime deterent is a big dog that has a very loud bark.

I hope you have a concealed weapon’s permit then.

zomg I would totaly buy that in a milisecond had I the money. I’m surprised it didn’t sell for alot more. Just think of the possibilities with a place like that.