Coolest weapon or defensive gadget...

What do you think the coolest weapon or defensive gadget would be?
Post a picture of it.

It amazing what you can find in Google.

gentle answer.jpg

so may forums same topic, but this winz every time handz down.

ultimate patato cannon :smiley:

definitely a uni with rocket launchers attached

Sometimes you can’t improve on the classic:

I’ll take this one:


pretty kewl, but ive seen some sweet patato guns in my day. My friend use to make those things all the time and man they were crazy. Is that shot with an air compressor? My friends had and air compressor hooked up to it and could fire one after another really quickly. Still that one u have ther is pretty kewl.

Nah, those things crash all the dang time for no reason at all.

Gatling Gun

NO! …they overheat

the Ultimate weapon eh? MY BARE HANDS!

my uni is the ultimate weapon. it can make people go “ooohhh…”


…and ‘ahhhhh’
:wink: :wink:

<crocodile dundee mode ON> That’s not a gatling gun… THIS is a gatling gun!

The GAU-8 Avenger cannon from the A-10, the largest and most powerful aircraft cannon in the world…



The “Pain Ray”… microwaves anything and / or anyone in its path. The waves aren’t powerful enough to get under the skin, but they are powerful enough to quickly disperse a large crowd of people.

I’d like a portable version of this bad boy installed just above my front door. The next time a salesman comes a’knockin… I’ll send him home sizzlin’!

personally i think that metal pedals r the ultimate weapon. get 10 and chuck em at people!

Just pick up your uni and do the tennis racket defence! :roll_eyes: