The Uke was George Harrison’s favorite intrument.
Here’s another version that’s awesome!
Search Jerryc in youtube…watch some of his videos…they’re all pretty good. Whose Autumn is one of the better ones, IMO, and Sweeping from Heaven is cool.
Unfortunately, anybody that lived through the '60s can’t help but associate the Uke with Tiny Tim.
i hate how people choose this version over the jerry c original.
Which is why people don’t watch unicyclists for very long. The general public isn’t interested in watching unicycling except as a novelty.
You’ve completely missed my point. The point is that the ukulele sounds like ass even when Jake plays it. It is limited to two octaves. The strings are made from some cheap substance that has limited tonal capabilities. The thing is annoying to listen to as a solo instrument or as a ukulele ensemble. It would cause ear fatigue and discomfort to listen to more than two recorded ukulele solo songs in a row. It is the ear fatigue and discomfort that would cause me to stuff cotton in my ears.
My complaint has nothing to do with whether the ukulele is a fun instrument. It does not mean that it is a worthless instrument. It does not mean that I think no one should play the ukulele. It does not mean that I don’t respect Jake’s playing.
I play the accordion. That instrument deserves its detractors. But it also happens to be fun to play. Much like the ukulele.