Cool "Goal Setting" Idea

I just came up with this really neat idea! I’ve got this big corkboard in my extra room, and it was getting to be a big waste of space, so I hung the Unicycling Socioty of America Skill Levels up there and now I can cross off the skills I’ve learned and then when I want to go out and uni, I can look at it and say, “ok, today I want to learn/work on this!”


Heeeey, that’s a pretty good idea! I bet it’ll help you improve quite fast, too.
I once did something like that, I had the levels up on the wall in my garage, so when I went to get my unicycle I would see them and decide what to work on. But I don’t do freestyle very much, so that sort of fell through.

Yeah that is a cool idea.

Can’t quite see…are you almost level 5?

Really good idea!!! I am going to use it!

Yeah, almost level 5! I can do three level 6 skills and two level 7 skills, also.

Haha that is acculy a good idea. 11 years old and almost furthure than me…ouch. What trick are you workin on?


Oh and ur missing one at lvl 4. Cheater Lol…jj

that’s why he said he’s almost level 5…

If you are missing something from level four you’re not “allmost level 5”, then you’re “allmost level 4”, get a grip! :smiley:

Where can you find those skill levels? I have seen them somewhere but I didn’t bother at the time. :frowning:


* mount unicycle unassisted
* ride 50 meters
* dismount gracefully with unicycle in front 


* mount with left foot
* mount with right foot
* ride 10 meters between two parallel lines 30 cm apart
* ride a figure eight with circle diameters smaller than 3 meters
* ride down a 15 cm vertical drop
* make a 90 degree turn to the left inside a 1 meter circle
* make a 90 degree turn to the right inside a 1 meter circle 


* demonstrate 3 types of mounts
* ride a figure eight with circle diameters smaller than 1.5 meters
* come to a stop, pedal half a revolution backward and continue forward
* ride with the stomach on the seat for 10 meters
* make a 180 degree turn to the left within a 1 meter circle
* make a 180 degree turn to the right within a 1 meter circle
* hop 5 times
* ride or hop over a 10 x 10 cm. obstacle 


* demonstrate 4 types of mounts
* ride backward for 10 meters
* ride one footed for 10 meters
* idle with left foot down 25 times
* idle with right foot down 25 times
* ride with seat out in front for 10 meters
* ride with the seat out in back for 10 meters
* make a 360 degree turn to the left inside a 1 meter circle
* make a 360 degree turn to the right inside a 1 meter circle


* demonstrate 5 types of mounts ride backward in a circle
* ride one footed in a figure eight
* idle one footed with the left foot 25 times
* idle one footed with the right foot 25 times
* ride with seat out in front in a circle
* ride with the seat out in back in a circle
* ride with the seat on the side in a circle
* hop-twist 90 degrees to the left
* hop-twist 90 degrees to the right
* walk the wheel for 10 meters 


* demonstrate 6 types of mounts
* ride backward in a figure eight
* ride with the seat out in front in a figure eight
* ride with the seat out in back in a figure eight
* ride backward with the seat out in front for 10 meters
* hop standing on wheel 5 times
* ride with the seat on the side in a circle to the left
* ride with the seat on the side in a circle to the right
* ride one footed with the left foot for 10 meters
* ride one footed with the right foot for 10 meters
* backspin
* frontspin
* spin 


* demonstrate 7 types of mounts
* ride backward in a circle
* ride one footed with the left foot in a circle
* ride one footed with the right foot in a circle
* walk the wheel in a circle
* walk the wheel one footed for 10 meters
* hop-twist 180 degrees to the left
* hop-twist 180 degrees to the right
* ride backward with the seat out in back for 10 meters
* spin to the left
* spin to the right 


* demonstrate 8 types of mounts
* ride one footed with the left foot in a figure eight
* ride one footed with the right foot in a figure eight
* walk the wheel in a figure eight
* walk the wheel one footed in a circle
* ride backward one footed for 10 meters
* glide for 10 meters
* hand wheel walk for 10 meters
* pirouette
* backward spin 


* demonstrate 9 types of mounts
* walk the wheel one footed in a figure eight
* ride backward one footed in a circle
* ride backward with the seat out in front in a figure eight
* ride backward with the seat out in back in a circle
* walk the wheel one footed with the left foot for 10 meters
* walk the wheel one footed with the right foot for 10 meters
* walk the wheel backward for 10 meters
* drag seat in front for 10 meters
* drag seat in back for 10 meters
* ride backward one footed with the left foot for 10 meters
* ride backward one footed with the right foot for 10 meters
* one footed with the seat out in front for 10 meters
* backward pirouette


* demonstrate 10 types of mounts
* ride backward with the seat out in back in a figure eight
* ride backward one footed in a figure eight
* walk the wheel one footed with the left foot in a circle
* walk the wheel one footed with the right foot in a circle
* walk the wheel backward in a circle
* 180° uni spin
* sideways wheel walk for 10 meters
* coast for 10 meters
* side ride for 10 meters
* walk the wheel one footed backward for 10 meters