conversation starters?


It seems like no one really wants to be the first to start a new thread here so I will rise to the occasion. Let’s start with something easy like umm… what is your favorite unicycling story and how long have you been riding. If everyone responds to those questions then we should be able to get some conversations going. I will start.

Favorite story:
I had been riding my unicycle for about a month and I had learned the two skills that I think everyone learns first riding forward and more importantly the Dismount. My dismounts at this point were far from graceful to say the least. Chaotic would be a better discription, but I had learned to ride forward for a ways without falling off so I decided that I need to extend my unicycling adventures past the forty or so feet that was my driveway. So off I go. I made a very wide right turn at the end of my driveway because that was the only direction change I had been able to master at this piont in my unicycle riding carreer. I manage to complete my turn without anything drastic happening and am able to take a break in my concentration from what is happening directly in fornt of me to look further down the road but am unable to do so because the view further down the road is blocked by what seemed at the time to be a very large truck traveling toward me at a reasonably fast speed. This starteles me. It starteles me so much that for an isntant I forget about going forward and therefore don’t. I spend half an instant going nowhere and then start leaning backward. My mind has just about caught up with what is happening and my reflexes have already started to act which is to say I am jumping off of the unicycle. The direction i was leaning was backward so the direction I go is backward. I land on the pavement causing nice pavement scrapes on one knee (I did this sort of twisting thing in the air in order to catch my self) and both of my palms and I turn back around thinking “please don’t hit my unicycle.” I didn’t really care that I was just a few feet behind the cycle and should really be worring about the truck hitting me AFTER it hit the unicycle. I turn around just in time to see the truck screach to a halt just inches away from my unicycle’s upright peddle narrowly averting a disaster. I get up, get my uni and after assuring the driver that I was allright go in and clean up my scrapes.

Number of years unicycling: about 3

Hi Steve,

You don’t live too far from me… you should come visit the Twin Cities Unicycle Club sometime. Pick a day of the week that works for you (except sunday) and come on down. (Check out for the schedule). Probably just a 45 minute drive from Cambridge.

A Story
OK, so it’s not my favorite unicycling story, but it’s a story that I remembered tonight after doing some unicycle racing practice…

In my very first nationals (1988 in michigan), I couldn’t even mount a unicycle yet and I competed in the races… I was pretty slow as I just began riding a unicycle. I used the wall many times to get back on the unicycle after falling off. I made a few laps on the 200 meter track, I was lapped many times by the more experienced riders during the 1600 meter, so as they were just finishing the whole race, I was crossing the line for a lap and the timer who timed me thought that it was the last lap for me and stopped the clock… I tried to tell them that I had more laps to go. Oh well.

Years riding: 13 years

Hi how are you?

I did a 60 km race on a unicycle.

I left 30 mins after Jeff Groves.

I passed him.

It looked like he was crying.

Is any one aware that this is a lost thread. It was like the first thread on I brang it back to life.

You brang it back to life??
What exactly is the definition of brang?

Outlook hazy…ask again.


You brang it back to life??
What exactly is the definition of brang?

Ya know to bring back to life.

Looks like someone’s decided to help me join old threads back to life and give everyone a reminder of history…

I was gonna reply to that one but it seemed pointless…